Part 101: unexpected visit

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After yesterday's argument with yet another important person in my life, I just needed to get out of the environment keeping me locked down and that keeps reminding me back to her.

I took a walk out of the building and just sauntered down the streets.
I stopped in my steps when I saw the flowershop busy and streaming with people. "I thought Miss Lily sold the place?" I rushed over the road and looked up at the new big sign above the store.

I sighed with joy, feeling a smile on my face for the first time in weeks. I pushed the door open, seeing all the people walking around the place. It looks so much different.

In the back where the isles were for all the flowers are now garden decorations like chairs and everything. Bouquets and bouquets of flowers were in the window and all around the store. She had a small counter in the same corner where it always was with lint and the most beautiful things you can find to make up a bouquet of flowers for someone.
But what almost brought me to tears was seeing the big sign above the small corner of the Coffee Bar. 'Brian's Bar' it read and then I saw her smile in the crowd of people.

Like it all moved in slow motion I saw her eyes locking on mine when she first saw me. Her smile faded and it looked like tears were forming in her eyes. I pushed through some people to get to her and she did the same. We stood there, in between a crowd of people, just looking at one another. Face to face. "He—" but she pulled me in to a big hug before I even finished greeting her. I closed my eyes as I wrapped my arms around her middle, taking in her touch and falling all in her. "I missed you." She whispered in my ear as I heard the sadness in her voice, quivering.

I held back the tears pulling out of her hug. "Wow, this place. I—" "Tahnée!" Someone called from the back. She looked back to me with sad eyes but I smiled, just seeing her was good enough. "Go. They need you." "Coming!" She yelled back before turning to me a last time. "Can we grab a coffee later?" She asked, her hand touching my arm and this all feels like the first time.

I fucking missed her.

"Yes yeah, yes. We can. Sure." "Same time same place." She said in a hurry as she rushed to the back and immediately a smile was back on her face as she helped around with the customers.

In between it all I continued looking at her as she worked for a while longer. Then she looked at me again, smiling before continuing. I guess we're still okay, but I don't think she'll come back to me. No matter how badly I want her to come back.



It's been three weeks since the last time I saw Brian, heard his voice, felt his touch, smelled his scent, touched him and was close to him.
God I miss him.


After work I waited by our usual cafe with both honeycomb lattes, waiting for him. Half way through my drink I stared out the window, not even noticing everything around me.
"Sorry I'm late." I heard a voice, looked infront of me and saw Brian sliding in to the booth. "Almost thought you stood me up." I stated, seeing the sad look in his eyes as he heard the words falling down my lips.

There was some silence between us, like we don't really know what to say, nor how to even talk to one another. He sipped on his latte, looking ot af the window and sometimes looking at me.
"So how—"
"You hurt me." He said, not making eye contact. "I know." I sighed, "Come home Tahnée. I need you back home. You have no idea how painful it is to wake up every morning or go to bed every night without you there. It's been too long, it's been enough."
"Trust me Brian I know how it feels. But I just need this to be over before I can return."

He shook his head in defeat, looking sad and broken. "By the time you decide to come back you might not even love me anymore. You might run out of things to say to me and—" He stopped himself, not wanting to delve in too deep. It hurts as it is already, we don't need more hurting. "I'll never stop loving you." I whispered, reaching my hand out to touch his. He hesitated at first, probably thinking it'll be harder to let go, but eventually took my hand in his.

"I love you Tahnée, I just want you to come back home." "I love you too Brian, but please do understand when I tell you that I'm doing this for you. I know it sucks and this is the last way I'd ever want things to go, but if you get hurt again I'll feel like it's on me."
"Yeah, and when you get hurt again it's on me because I wasn't there."
"Cause I push you away." I sighed, caressing the top of his hand with the pad of my thumb.

"Will you still go to the concert with me?" He looked back up to me, a ray of hope in his eyes, giving me hope too. "Of course." He smiled faintly, kissing my hand.



It's been a few days since I last saw Tahnée at our coffee shop.
Every morning I see her sweater hanging over the chair and I never get myself to move it. I can't get myself to let go of her things because I know she'll come back... she will, right?

I tried calling Shawn two times this morning to see if he knows how Tahnée will get to the concert. I strongly believe he will drop her off, but if there's any way that I can go pick her up, I'd be elated.

Shawn: i'm dropping her off

Me: seriously?

Shawn: she asked me to

Me: fuck i miss her so much and nothing i do can make her change her mind

Shawn: yeah she's a tough one.

Me: i know

Shawn: but you know what to do B

Me: what you mean by that?

Shawn: oh common. you broke down her walls once, so? what's stopping you from breaking through to her again?

Me: nothing, i guess. but she makes it harder this time than it was before

Shawn: but you have a big advantage
Shawn: you have her heart, and you know that.
Shawn: she loves you, she even said it herself

Me: thanks bro. thank you for taking care of my girl when she doesn't want me to

Shawn: i'm just her friend brian, don't ever think i'll cross you in any way

Me: yeah we kinda been through this before ;)

Shawn: oh yeah :)


I was just dressed in my jeans when the doorbell went off.
Being skeptic about anything coming to my door nowadays, I slowly walked closer, looking through the hole. I didn't see anything. Nobody. But the doorbell went off again.

I always laughed at this if it were Tahnée because you can never see her through any peeking hole. I slowly opened the door. "Can I help?"
My heart stopped. "Hi." As soft as her touch her voice came through. Her eyes were red though, like she was crying. "Tahnée." Was all I managed to push out.
"I know this seems weird I just— I should go, this was stupid." But I grabbed ahold of her hand the moment she turned around. "No, stay. Come in." She looked at me with saddened eyes before walking in. "What are you doing here?" I asked hesitantly.

"I miss— you." She said as tears returned to her eyes. "I miss you more." I pulled her in to a hug, feeling her arms tightly wrapping around me. Her head on my chest and her body close to mine. We stayed in that position for over a minute, maybe even longer. "Tahnée—" "I'm sorry, Brian." She looked up to me.

Her eyes screaming for help but her body begging me to not let her go.
She scares me sometimes. Especially since Daniel returned. But the look in her eyes tell that she'll explain it all, maybe in some time or now... I don't know.

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