Part 31: hungover

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It was a bold move. I knew it.
But something in my mind kept on pushing me, telling me that it's the right move to make even though it was a shot in to a next step of the friendship, a long leap in to my heart as I felt his warmth on my back.

His temperature rising as seconds passed by. Taking us both a moment to just realize and take in whatever is happening and going on.

Not too long after I felt his arms wrapping around me. "Only if it's o-" "More than okay." I smiled, hodling on to his arms too.
A feeling I missed, a feeling I haven't felt in so long... butterflies.
That never happens or even happened when I was with Daniel. Maybe here and there but never this crazy.

Never this intense.

"So uhm..." he spoke softly, the tremble in his voice making a deep 'humm' in his throat. It send shivers down my spine, smiling down to the floor, feeling my cheeks burning like fire.
"If it's awkward we can head back inside." I said, stepping out of his embrace and already feeling the cold air hitting the back of me that he just warmed up.

Before he could even answer, I heard my favorite song playing from The Vamps, followed with laughter that sounded exactly like Brad's. I gasped loudly, "Ooh common! This is my song." I laughed, grabbing his hand and pulling him back inside with me.

For me, it feels like the party just started. Even though it's been on for a long while now.
"Volcano!" I screamed, seeing Brad's eyes moving from the crowd to me. "I love his song!" I mouthed to him. He sent me a thumbs up before I continued dancing with Brian.


As the party died down and the night grew younger, Brian and I sat on the couch. Slouched down and sipping the last drops out of our cups.
Tipsy... no, drunk.

"This was probably the most fun I had in years.
No party was ever this good." I laughed, slurring over some words but managed to get them out. "How will I get home?" I tried to get up from the couch but the world started spinning and I flopped back down. Halfway falling on top of Brian next to me.

"Shawn. Are you sober?" I asked, squinting my eyes as I looked over to him. The bright light behind him making it impossible to focus. "Do I look sober to you?" He laughed, already indicating to me that he's just as drunk as we are.

"You can crash here Tahnée. Take the spare room." "Are you sure?" I rubbed my head, already feeling the headache that's coming. He nodded, grabbing ahold of his head immediately after.

Our universes are all spinning.

"I shouldn't have let you drink this much." Brian said, sounding a bit better than before. "I'm okay." I said softly. My eyes growing heavier as I looked at him, still basically fallen down on top of him. "Are you sure you're okay Tahnée?" I thought for a moment, looking up at him. "Come with me." He said softly after I didn't reply.

He helped me up and supported me all the way to the spare bedroom, making our way to the bathroom. "Sit down." He helped me sit down on the side of the tub. "Whoop!" I tried grabbing ahold of anything around me, but just pulled a towel down from the railing.
I fell over, sliding down the side in to the tub. Laughing till I had a stomach ache.

"Oh my god." I heard Brian's laughter filling my ears. "Are you okay?" "That was fun." We cracked up again, laughing till it died down. Not that it wasn't funny anymore, but the hard sound of laughter and even just laughing in general made the headache even more irresistible.

He looked at me after crouching down beside the tub. My smile fading as my eyes locked on his.

"You're nothing like him." I whispered, clamping my hand around his neck and playing with the few locks of hair in the nape of his neck. He took my hand in his, pulling away from his neck and smiling at me.

Me being in the state I am, I started laughing hysterically. He handed me a glass of water and an aspirin. It claims to help with a headache.
"Do you want to to go to bed?" I shook my head, closing my eyes as I slid further down in the bathtub.

He disappeared for a moment, but returned after. Handing me a pillow and tucking me in under a blanket. "Goodnight Tahnée." Was the last thing he said before I passed out.



That moment.
That moment her hand touched my cheek, moving to my neck and palying with my hair. What she said. What she did.
Who am I not alike?
What does she mean by that?

After I tucked her in the tub, I made my way to my room. Saying goodnight to Shawn as I passed his room. Just falling down on the bed and almost immediately falling asleep.


I rolled over, looking at the alarm clock next to the bed. 12:35 it read. I groaned, rubbing my eyes out as I sat up. A headache striking through my left eye and I felt like this was the end of my life.
This is it.
I'm finally dying.

I managed to get up, roll out of bed and stumble out of the room towards the bathroom. In need of some water and a good aspirin. I must've forgotten about Tahnée because when I saw her body lying in the tub as I looked in the mirror, a cold rush came over me as I jumped.
Thinking she's dead.

I placed my hand over my heart when I saw her turning around, her face facing me now as she pulled the blanket further up to her shoulders.

This morning is extremely cold.
I can't leave her in the bath.

I slowly bent down, not caring about my headache making me disoriented, slowly and softly pressing my hands in under her and gently picking her up.

She's warm.
Her body heat the perfect temperature and her cheeks where a light shade like the colour of the setting sun.


I walked with her over to the spare room where I slept last night. Laying her down on the sheets and covering her up with the same blanket as before then throwing thr duvet over her too.
She still haven't woken up. Peacefully asleep as she curled up in the blankets.

I walked out.
Finding Shawn in the kitchen. Zombie-like, walking through the living room, picking up the last few cans and paper bags of chips.

"Afternoon, actually." He corrected me. I laughed, but the pain ebbs through my brain again. "Dude," he looked at me, plonking down in the seat beside me. "That was a hard party. I know." He finished my sentence.

If I could, I'd fall asleep on the couch again. Without thinking about it. I'd just sleep till midnight or later on in the day.
"Where is she?" I looked over to him. Tired and exhausted. "She slept in the tub, but this morning I carried her to the bed. She's still asleep." He just simply nodded, taking in the information and closing his eyes as he rested his head back on to the couch.

I know that if I lay here or sit here any minute longer, I'll never get up again. So I pushed myself up from the couch, making a deep groaning sound before heading back to the room. Trying to be extremely quiet, not to wake Thanée up.

I grabbed my towel and some shower stuff before making my way to the shower. This will be a long shower.
I'll feel the alcohol from the previous night sweat out of me and I'll wash it off, probably feeling better after.

But it'll be one night I won't ever forget.



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