Part 67: bradley

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After Shawn dropped me off at my place again,
I obviously invited him in for coffee first before he needs to leave.

"Where's Micheal?" He asked as we walked in, looking around but even I don't know. I shrugged my shoulders, knowing he may be out and about, strolling through the streets of Canada probably in look for a good shop that sells cake or tea.
He's a sucker for those kind of things.

"Coffee or tea?" He thought for a moment before we both agreed on a cup of coffee. "What are your plans for the rest of the day?" He asked just as we sat down on the couch. I looked out over the view, seeing the sky half grey and packing together. Rain is on the way.
"By the look of it, I don't think I have anything else planned. Maybe a nap." He downed his cup of coffee and just as he started to curl up underneath the blanket on the couch, his phone started ringing. "Great." He mumbled before standig up and walking over to the room.

"Yeah— okay— no, chill out I'm on my way— just— no, stay there. I'm coming." I heard him sighing as he walked back over to me. "I need to go. My sister is at the ice rink for hockey practice and now my mom is all panic streaks because she can't get her." I stood up from the couch and walked him out. "Thank you once again for the great day." I hugged him goodbye. "We'll catch up on another cup of coffee soon." He smirked a bit, winking before he jogged off to his car.


When I walked back in to my apartment I heard my phone going off. I smiled, thinking it was Brian but to my surprise, it wasn't.

Unknown: hey. it's brad

Me: my god. after all this time you decided to text me?

Bradley: yeah, sorry 'bout that. we got a bit caught up in rehearsals for tour.

Me: i hope you'll be coming to Canada

Bradley: sure thing. i hope i'll get to see you there.

Me: eh, i'll try my best to come. but if it so happens to be that i can't be there, we'll make plans to meet again.

Bradley: great. X

We talked for a while, caught up on everything we missed during the last few months but his weeks just consisted of rehearsals and writinf new songs for a next album. He might think of it as his work, which it is, but to me it sounds very exciting.

Bradley: i'm actually coming to canada next week, doing a bit of a small promo show for the tour coming up. maybe i can see you?

My cheeks blushed as I reread the text, line and lonw again. Making sure he said that he wants to see me.
I feel a strange feeling inside me when I think about my life right now. I'm head over heals for Brian, I hang out with Shawn and his other mates in spare time, and here I am, texting a new guy to befriend him even more... some people may think I'm just fooling around. But I just want to make friends here. You know, have people I can talk to rather than just waiting on one person.
Is it that wrong?

Me: sure. we'll talk again, arrange a time and day.

Bradley: sounds perfect. i'll see you then xx

I feel guilty now. But I shouldn't be, it's nothing. Bradley and I are nothing more than just friends. But I wish Brian and I are more than friends. Shawn said he likes me, does he really? I hope he does because I think he knows that I like him.

Brian is the one. I'm not going after any other guy if I can't have him.

I got the TV on and watched the last few episodes that I missed from Grey's Anatomy but I must've fallen asleep.


"Shut up Micheal."
"Don't tell me to shu-"
"Shut up."
"You know she's not really that sweet when she's asleep. She's like a bear going in to hibernation."
"And what does that mean?"
"It means that— I don't really know. But she's not cute."
"Pretty cute to me."

The voices, so familiar. Brian and Micheal.
So they were together? Aww. Bonding time for the favorite guys.
My heart just warmed by the thought of it.

I felt a blanket being tucked in around me, hands gently and softly brushing strands of hair out of my face. "Your hands are really cold." I whispered, hearing the chuckle leaving Brian's lips as he must be crouched down in front of me. "I'm sorry." I grabbed his hand in mine, pulling him closer till he got the message that he needs to get in with me.
"I'm cold Tahnée."
"Then let us share some body heat." I mumbled under my breath, my eyes still closed as I felt his every move. Getting in under the blanket with me and moving to get comfortable.

In the distance I heard Micheal making sounds. Groaning and awwing before just puffing and walking off. "Too cute it makes me sick." He said before closing the bedroom door as he now probably took over my entire bed.
"He's just jealous." Brian said all chuffed, wrapping his arms around me as I hid my face in the crook of his neck. Just being on purpose he pressed his cold hand on the bare skin of my back, in under my shirt. "No!" I laughed, pushing him away.

"I had to. I had to." He pulled me closer again. "But you're warm so if I do that my hands will heat up." I sighed, taking his hands in mine and pressing them in under my back. Shivering a bit to get use to the cold but just a few moments later it wasn't that bad.
"Much better." He chuckled. "I feel like his is all just a scam or excuses so that you can touch me."
"Guess we'll never know."

I locked my eyes on his. God, I want to kiss him so badly. I saw his eyes moving down to my lips as well, mine doing exactly the same before looking back in his eyes. "You're the most beautiful girl I ever saw." He whispered, cupping my cheek and caressing my skin with the pad of his thumb. "Stop it Brian. That's a lie."
"No it's not." He smiled sincerely, just pulling me even closer. I locked my arm around his torso, breathing in the smell of his cologne. "I actually just came to drop Micheal off." He whispered. His voice making a small trembling sound as his chest vibrated. I love that. "But stay." I felt his lips coming in contact with my forehead before he got even more comfortable.

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