Part 21: just brian

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For the first time this entire week or so I got to caught him as he was trying to escape.
It brightens my day ever time I see a flower and note awaiting me on the counter of the shop. But I wanted to thank him instead of just watching the days go by and collect more and more notes and flowers.

To my surprise, he asked me to go somewhere with him in the time Miss Lily gave me the rest of the day off. I don't know where we're off to exactly, but I also think he doesn't know where he's going to take me.
Nor does it matter.
He's good company and a really good friend, one I didn't think I'll make within the first few days of me being in Canada.

I'd like to say that the time of me being here in Canada was great, but most of the time I felt extremely alone. Wishing I could call someone to just hang out but my insecurities got the best of me. So I never did.
And I know that when I ever see Shawn or Matt again, they'll probably point it out, the fact that I never gave them a call or anything, but it's not that easy.
Each time I reach for my phone to pull through with it, I just end up feeling like I'm interfering with their pack and friendship.
And that's the last thing that I want to do.

"I don't really know where I'm going." He chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "Well..." I trailed off, thinking for a moment. "Take me to a place that you absolutely love."
"Okay." He said softly, changing his direction down in to an alleyway. We walked through the narrow crossing and got on to a main street, cars passing by and taxis rushing to get to a certain place.

"Where are we going?"
"You'll see." He laughed. For once a surreal laugh, and full smile. No nerves.
Just... Brian.

"Do we have to corss?" I asked nervously and he nodded, taking my hand in his before we ran over the the street. "Thanks." I blushed as he let go of my hand. "O-Okay." He spoke softly. Back to being insecure.

"This, Tahnée..." he trailed off, stopping in front of a old vintage looking coffee shop. He looked up in awe before smiling back down at me. "This is heaven." I laughed at his statement as we made our way inside. "Have you ever tried a honeycomb latte?"
"Never even heard of it." He gasped loudly, warming a feeling in my heart that he might just be getting a bit more comfortable around me and talking to me.

"Then you haven't lived!" He said with big eyes, making his way over to the counter where he ordered us each a 'honeycomb latte'.
"If you like to, you can get us a table outside so long. Only if you want to, no pressure." He said defensively, trying to not make me feel weird. But he just needs to chill.
"Brian, calm down. I'll get us a table outside." I chuckled, placing my hand down on his arm. His eyes pinned down to where my hand was before he looked back up at me.

When his eyes met mine he smiled faintly, letting out a shaky sigh before smiling big. "Okay. I'll be right out." I walked out to get a table as he waitied inside for the drinks.

"A honeycomb latte for Tahnée." He smiled as he handed it over to me. "Thank you so much." He watch me with anticipation as he probably waited for my reply on how good it is after I take a sip.
My eyes never leaving his, I took a small sip to taste the so 'fantastic' latte.
And to be honest, it was amazing.

"Oh my god Brian!" My eyes grew big as I took another bit sip of the drink. "Good right?" I nodded in excitement as I saw his smile growing and laughter leaving his lips.
We chatted for a while, a long while, before a small silence overcame us. I've gotten to know a lot more about him, and he about me too.

Playing some twenty questions we fished out some deep things and he opened up to me, telling me things about him and his most hilarious moments. It sounds like so much fun to be his friend or just part of the gang, but a 'newbie' like me... I don't think I'll fit the profile?

"So uhm... what do you enjoy the most about Canada so far?" He asked as he trailed off he subject a little but. He was talking about school and college and things but now he changed the subject to me. "I mean, there's a lot of things I like about it but working at Miss Lily's is sure number one and a good highlight of my time here so far. Uhmm..." I thought for a moment before smiling back up to him, "And definitely the company. The people I know here, are amazing." He smiled a cheeky smile as he looked down at his latte.

"I'm sorry if I'm weird or like oddly quiet, I'm just not that use to making more friends on my own. I always have people with me. And for some reason I believe they rather want to be friends with my friends than a blood orange." He rolled his eyes, looking out in to the distance. "Oh common. If I give my review I'd say the blood orange is way cooler than any popstar. And don't worry about it, I'm completely novice to this so you're not alone, and you've done a pretty good job so far."

He looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed together, the question leavig his lips. "How come?"
"Well, I haven't ran off or tried to blow you off at any time. Now did I?"
"No." He laughed, making me smile.

"You're a nice guy Brian. Stop doubting yoursef because this was by far the best day I ever had out of the week and a half I've been here. So thank you."
"No problem," he smiled with red cheeks blooming like roses, "No problem at all."

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