Black Widow - S. Coups

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S. Coups POV
I watched as Lee Sooman's daughter tripped over her own feet. I couldn't help but laugh, [Y/N] is a complete disaster. She fell down and just laid herself flat onto the ground, in defeat.

"Hey, asshole!" She yelled out as she looked straight up at the night sky.

I walked over and looked down at her, "You talking to me, or to God?" We both let out a small laugh at my stupid joke.

"Aren't you basically the same thing?" She tried to sound serious as she said this, but completely failed.

"Yeah, thank your God for saving your ass from your shitty father."

"Shut the hell up, no more religious talk."

I was taken aback by her sudden change of attitude but I smiled anyway, "You're the one who started it so don't come for me."

She laughed, "I could make a real shitty joke right now, but I won't. For your sake." It seemed like [Y/N] had enough of me at this point because she got up and started walking away. Taking a look back at me, she smiled, and beckoned me to follow after her. Of course, I did it like the lovestruck idiot I am. She's got me wrapped around her finger.

"Where are we going?"

"I've got a fun job from my dad, I thought you'd like to join me?"

"Oh, hell yeah!" I quickly answered, not being able to get much action lately, "Why did you just mention it now, though?" The only answer she gave was a small shrug.

She lead me to the road, where my car was. I offered to ride us there but she declined.

"Like I'd trust you to take me anywhere."

I sighed, still not being able to understand this back and forth attitude she has. I've been close with [Y/N] for months but I can never tell what she's thinking. And that pisses me off.

"Besides, it's right here!" She smiled, and I couldn't help but smile with her. Even if I'm upset with her, it's contagious.

Before I looked up to where she was pointing, I realized the only place around here was SM's headquarters. Where I would be shot if I stepped one foot in.

To my dismay, that's where her arm extended towards.

It must've shown on my face because [Y/N] spoke up, "Why such a sad face? I won't let my people hurt you, they have to listen to me!" She came closer and lifted by head, while interlocking our hands, "I never took you for a puss."

I rolled my eyes, "Me? A puss? Yeah right..." I narrowed my eyes at her, "I could handle all of your guys, I was just worried what would happen to you if you had no gang left."

"Oh, please, Seungcheol. Just shut up and walk with me." She let out a laugh and began pulling me along with the hand that was still locked with mine.

She led me into the building which looked like a completely normal office on the inside. Potted plants, cutesy decorations, and service desks with two smiling women sitting behind them.

One of them waved enthusiastically, "[Y/N]! Is this the boyfriend you were telling me about?"

[Y/N] eyes shot completely open and she yanked my arm to throw me at a door. "Gotta go, bye Sunny!"  She pulled open the door and pushed me in, in one swift spin.

"Oh, so I'm your boyfriend now? I could work with that-"

"Shut up." She groaned as she slammed the door.

I looked around the room, which was fairly small and sad compared to the lobby. There was literally nothing except for a bookshelf in the back corner. Just plain, beige walls  with one red handprint decoration next to the bookshelf. Maybe they did parties in here, and it was left from Halloween?

Just kidding, I know it's a bloody handprint. How fun.

Speaking of the bookshelf, [Y/N] pulled it away from the corner, revealing a small door which wasn't much of a surprise considering where we were. Sooman wouldn't just have a random ass room in his establishment.

"Remember how much Luhan and Kris used to beat the shit out of your gang until they stabbed my father in the back?" She smiled, "Of course you do! Well, now you get to see me beat the shit out of them!" Throwing open the door, she beckoned me to walk in after her.

Sure enough, Luhan and Kris were in the backroom, clearly looking like they'd seen better days. Luhan was worse off though, seeing as he was just sitting in a corner and sulking. He didn't even look up to the sound of the door banging. However, Kris put his hands up in a fighting stance and I followed in suit, determined to protect [Y/N].

"Hey, I said this was my fight!" [Y/N] yelled out as she went flying towards Kris. I rushed towards the two, worried for her life. Kris is no joke, but neither was Luhan for that matter. Yet, Luhan seemed to already be scared of [Y/N].

When I was closer to them, I could definitely see that Kris was not handling her well at all. I had to take a step back as she effortlessly lifted him over her shoulders and dropped him back to the ground. And as much as I would love to continue watching this amazing girl kick an asshole's ass, I couldn't. Something made me pull her away from him, and back out of the room.

"What the fuck are you doing?" She yelled at me, thrusting herself out of my arms.

"Look, I get it. You're a bad-ass. I know your father didn't give you the job to beat the living hell out of those men, you're just trying to show off," I took hold of her hand with one of my own and lightly held her face with the other, "I already love you."

I studied her eyes, searching for a sign of anything. Suddenly, she started laughing.

"Love? You soft, little... puss." [Y/N]'s voice became sweeter with every word, and somehow being called a puss didn't seem like a bad thing. A large, gummy smile quickly formed on my lips.

"I got you wrapped around my finger, Cheollie, don't I?"

"It's like you read my mind."

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