Winner Winner - Vernon

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Every day I passed by Wonwoo's room and heard the horrid shrieks of whichever victim he was torturing that day

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Every day I passed by Wonwoo's room and heard the horrid shrieks of whichever victim he was torturing that day. I can't handle much in the mafia, but I definitely would never be able to do his job. Slowly driving someone else to insanity would drive me insane as well.

So, why would he ask me to cover his stupid torture chamber today when he knows I can't handle it?

"The one I got in there is probably innocent. So if you wanna rip off a fingernail or something, that's really all I'd do." Wonwoo immediately left as I stood dumbfounded. What reason is there to keep them here if they're innocent?

I peeked into the room where the hostage was being held and saw the malnourished person sitting in a chair, chained up. Before going in, I checked to see if Wonwoo was completely gone. As soon as I figured he left, I dashed to my room where I kept my secret mini-fridge.

There wasn't much in it besides water and a few of my leftover meals. I grabbed a water and the chicken dinner I had yesterday to take back to the poor hostage.

Careful not to spook them, I slowly opened the door and walked in. "Um... hey there..." I dragged out my words due to the awkward situation, "I promise I won't be like that scary guy you usually see. I even brought you chicken!" My tone oddly became happy, making the person raise their head groggily.

"So, I'm not sure where I would find the keys to unlock you..." I realized I would have to feed them, that is if they can even keep anything down after what they've endured.

Figuring they weren't going to talk anytime soon, I started thinking out loud about what their name was as I set the chicken down on Wonwoo's torture table. "Wonwoo did say your name to me one time but... was it Sunmi?"

They shook their head to say no.


Another no.

Suddenly, it came to me. "Oh- [Y/N]!"

A small yes squeaked out of them. I could easily tell how dry their throat was, so I quickly opened the water and held it near their mouth.

"This is so awkward- I'm so sorry that you have to be here," Wonwoo's words of them being innocent resonated in my head, "If only I could save you somehow..."

Before I knew it, [Y/N] had finished the whole bottle of water and started a staring contest with the chicken. The whole situation was so dismal yet I couldn't help but chuckle at how cute their face was. But they looked at me in disgust that I could laugh during their time of misfortune.

I quickly apologized and started feeding the chicken to them. They ate surprisingly fast for someone who seemed to have a sore throat. Just how long were they starved to rather suffer through the pain of swallowing than wait to eat?

"Do you know how long you've been here?" I questioned. They shook their head no. It couldn't have been too long... I at least knew a little of Wonwoo's schedule to know how long he's been keeping someone. Except I may have forgotten the specifics with this case. And what a terrible one to forget too.

I put the last piece of chicken into their mouth, "Would this experience be a little more bearable if I came in every day and did this?" [Y/N]'s face lit up with strong emotions of happiness at my question. "I'll take that as a yes! I'll also work hard to try and get you out of here so you can hope for something better than food." All I have to do is figure out Wonwoo's schedule and where his keys are. Which shouldn't be hard considering everyone trusts me, as I've never pulled something like this before.

I know what I plan to do could get me into so much trouble and make [Y/N]'s time here worse, but it's worth seeing them and getting them back into a form of recovery. I know they're innocent and I wouldn't need weeks of torture to figure that out. I see the lovely purity in their eyes. I see my future in their eyes.

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