Chapter 8 - A Musical Truth

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Vaughan was in complete shock that day.

First the radio, and now her song was on the front page story of the local newspaper! 

Talk about sky rocking popularity! 

She thought of her and Spike's recent conversation earlier that afternoon. Jazz seemed to enjoy Earth's music the most. She decided maybe it'd be best to show Jazz first, and then the rest of the Autobots. Just to be safe. 

She seemed to be getting along with Jazz the most so why not show her songs to him first?

It was decided.

She would pay Jazz a visit..... or considering Sparkplug wanted her and Spike to stay home today and rest, she thought of inviting him over. But how? Can you even call the Autobots with a cell phone? Perhaps Spike knew what to do. 

Vaughan walked upstairs and knocked on her cousins room. "Come in."

She opened the door to see Spike laying back on his bed reading a book. "What's up Vaughan?" "Spike, you wouldn't happen to know how we can contact the Autobots do you?" she asked. "Yeah, you can message Teletraan-1." he answered. He set aside his book and picked up a piece of paper from his desk. "Wheeljack showed me how. I wrote it down so I would remember." 

He handed Vaughan the piece of paper to see a series of numbers. "So what do I call it or text it?" "Both. Choose either one." Spike replied. 

"Sweet, thanks." Vaughan walked out of Spike's room and entered her own, closing the door behind her. She read the number on the paper and dialed the number on her iPhone. Hopefully long distance charges won't occur. With her having a Canadian plan, she did not want this to show up as a huge price on her bill and get a chewing out from her mother. 

The phone rang for a while until there was an answer.

"Vaughan is that you?"

"Prime, hey how's it going?" she asked.

"Everything is going fine Vaughan, it's good to hear from you." Optimus answered. "How are you and Spike holding up?" 

"Oh we're both feeling better. You Cybertronians sure know how to throw a party." 

"Well we had a little help with that now didn't we?" Optimus replied with a tease.

Vaughan chuckled at the remark. "Yes, I suppose you did."

"So what can I do for you?"

"Well, you see Prime it goes like this. Sparkplug doesn't want me and Spike to go out today. But I have a feeling I will die of boredom if I don't see you guys!" she explained. "I was hoping instead of the two of us going over to the Autobots base, would you guys like to come over here to Sparkplug's house in Mission City?"

"Well, we're a bit busy right now. We're still working on returning the stolen resources the Decepticons took back to the different facilities." Optimus answered.

"Oh, I see." Vaughan replied. She had a slight disappointment in her voice. She was beginning to think Optimus might not let his Autobots leave. They did have an important job to do.

"However, Jazz does have some time off today." added Optimus.

"Still recovering from last night?" Vaughan asked with a smirk.

"Oh you have no idea." Optimus answered.

Vaughan could tell that Optimus was smiling on the other line. Even though he always wears that mouth guard she could still tell by the sound in his voice.

"I could spare him and send him over if you like." said Optimus.

"Sure, that would be fine with me." Vaughan replied.

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