[мυѕιc vιdeo]

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[мυѕιc vιdeo]


OWWW IT'S #1 in 'lynngunn' now!

Hayley's POV

I moved around as I danced to the music. We were filming the music video for Anyone Else. Lynn was my best friends but she couldn't find anyone else to dance in the video so she asked me since she knew I could dance.

"I think that went well!" she said. The director nodded. We just filmed our first shot together. Alex and Brian were watching from behind the camera. Justin was there too. He was sitting on the couch behind the camera, eating a bag of chips while looking at his phone.

Lynn took off the long black jacket she was wearing and threw it at Justin who yelled at her. You could see her arms now. She chuckled and we both took our position for the next shot.

"Three, two, one. Go!" the director yelled.

Lynn and I started acting like we were arguing and I began dancing.

Lynn grabbed my neck and acted like she wanted to choke me. I pushed her, causing her to fall on the ground.

I danced and she stood back up. The music calmed down a little and Lynn walked up to me. She leaned in to kiss me. Our faces were almost touching but I pushed her away and started dancing again as the music became louder.

Lynn grabbed me again but stumbled over something on the ground. She fell and pulled me with her. I landed on top of her and we both began laughing.

"Cut!" the director yelled again.

I rolled off of Lynn and laughed. She stood up and pulled me up too.

"Hey guys, we know you're both gay but that doesn't mean you have to jump on each other in front of us." Alex yelled, covering Brian's eyes. Brian slapped his hand away and chucked.

"Fuck off. Assholes." Lynn mumbled, walking over to the couch Justin was sitting on and plopping down.

"I think we all deserve a minute to rest 'cause I'm already exhausted." Lynn said, throwing her head back on the couch and closing her eyes.

I chuckled and sat next to Lynn on the couch.

"Alex and I saw that there was a Starbucks not so far from here so we're going there. Do we need to bring something for you guys?" Brian asked.

"Nah, I'm good." Lynn said, shaking her head. I shook my head too.

"Wait, I'm coming with you guys." Justin yelled, running after Brian and Alex and almost tripping over his own feet on the way.

"I honestly don't even know why I'm friends with them." Lynn mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

The director and the cameraman had walked out by now so Lynn and I were alone in the room.

"Thanks for doing this again. We really couldn't find anyone else." Lynn said, patting my shoulder, making me look up at her.

I laughed. "You just said 'Anyone Else.'" Lynn began laughing too.

"I guess I did. But no really, thank you. I'm lucky to have you as my best friend." she said, her smile fading a little

"It's fine. I mean, you're my best friend and I couldn't live without you. No, I probably could but you know..." I said, keeping my face serious.

Lynn Gunn One Shots And ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now