[ιғ yoυ jυмp]

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[ιғ yoυ jυмp]


Trigger warning: suicide.

"Lynn, please. Don't do it. Step back from the edge. Please, Lynn. I need you here with me." I told Lynn. She was standing at the edge of a bridge and she was planning to jump soon.

We were surrounded by police, random people and our family members.

"I can't do this anymore Kenna. I have to go."

"Lynn, you don't. You're so loved here. We all love you. I love you. The fans love you."

"I know. I know but I can't. I can't." Lynn shook her head and put her hands over her eyes, desperately trying to stop her tears.

"Lyndsey, when did you ever feel like you weren't loved?"

"All the time. I know you care about me but it's like my brain doesn't want to admit it. I can't even process what I'm feeling now."

I sighed and wiped my tears away. "Lynn, I'm going to come to you but I swear I won't touch you."

"If you try to pull me away I will jump."

"It's okay, Lynn. I'm not gonna touch you. I'm just gonna sit next to you. Please, sit down."

Lynn stared at me for a few seconds before slowly kneeling down and sitting down. I climbed over the railing of the bridge and sat down next to Lynn, ignoring the things the police officers yelled at me. I shot them a glare and they immediately shut up.

I turned to Lynn and slowly reached out to her hands. She pulled them back slightly but let me hold them.


She nodded, looking away from me.

"Lyndsey, look at me."

She slowly turned her head and look into my eyes for a few seconds before looking somewhere else.

"I can't bare to see how hurt you are by this." Lynn mumbled. That made my eyes water again.

"I'm gonna tell you once and you can't change my mind at all. I love you Lynn and I cannot live without you. I just can't. I'm not going to let you die. At least not alone. If you jump, I jump. You can't change my mind." I sternly said.

Lynns head shot up and looked at me in shock.

"Kenna, no. You're not.."

She stopped when she saw me shake my head no.

"I said it and I'll say it again. You can't change my mind at all."

"Lynn, please. I love you so much. Will you please go on with you life. If you don't want to do it for you, at least do it for me. I'm begging you. We're all gonna help you through this. Look at all these people." I said, pointing at all the family members and random people that were there. "They are all here for you. Your family is here to see you fight and to see you win this fight against whatever is in that head if yours. It's your body and I think it's time for that thing to get out. Don't let it take you down. Do it for everyone else. Please."

Lynn bit her lip as she fiddled with her sleeves. She looked down for a few minutes. Everything was silent. The only sound I could hear was the water underneath the bridge.

Lynn suddenly looked up and I slowly saw a smile appear on her face. I knew that she was going to get through this. I immediately pulled her over the railing and let myself fall on the bridge, pulling her with me.

Lynn fell on top of me and hugged me tightly. Suddenly we heard clapping. Every single person that was standing behind us was clapping. They all started one by one. 

I held Lynn in my arms as she cried and we listened to the sound of the people clapping.

Lynn pulled away from the hug and kissed me. I heard Brian, Alex and Justin yell at us to get a room. Lynn pulled away and let out a loud laugh, tears still streaming down her face.

I put my forehead against hers and whispered. "You're gonna be okay."

"I am. I love you and I will always be with you until we both die."

We both laughed.

"I love you too and I'll be with you forever."


If you guys have any requests please send them to me! It doesn't matter what the one shot it about. You can just send me like an idea and I'll work on the story further. You just have to let me know. I would be really awesome to make a one shot for someone. Thanks for reading!


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