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So, this is a weird one. Two-Faced_Tragedy came up the mirror thing (go follow her or I'll find you) and I just wrote it and tried to make it funny but probably failed. I also tried to link it to Mirrors. Okay, enjoy.


Today was the day. You were going to try to summon Lynn Gunn in your house.

Yeah, you were a little insane in the brain but that didn't matter because you really wanted Lynn Gunn in your house. More specifically, in your bathroom because you were going to summon her through a mirror.

Yep. Like the PVRIS song Mirrors. 'Say your name into a mirror three times' and all that shit.

You had written down your steps and went to the bathroom, Mirrors stuck in your head.

You looked at yourself in the mirror and raised your eyebrows. "That bitch better say I'm pretty or I'm throwing her back into the mirror." you muttered to yourself.

You had a kind of love-hate relationship with Lynn Gunn. You weren't sure if you hated her or loved her. Most of the time you were fangirling but other days she was a bitch so yeah.

Like I said, a little insane in the brain.

You put your notebook on the side of the sink and wrapped your rainbow flag around the toilet.

You shrugged. "It was time you came out of that closet, toilet. Not like I didn't know you were gay yet."

You turned back to the mirror and frowned. "Is this really gonna work or did Lynn just make this up? I swear to god, if she made this 'say your name into a mirror three times' up I will kill her until she's dead." you said, looking at the toilet through the mirror. "Not like you care anyways."

"Okay, let's start."

"Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the gayest of them all? Lynn Gunn. Lynn Gunn. Lynn Gunn." you said, making sure to pronounce Lynns name extra clear.

Nothing happened for a moment until you were about to storm off and go kill Lynn until she was dead with your toilets rainbow flag.

The ground shook and there was a loud noice. You turned around and looked at the wall of your bathroom. There was a big dent in it and on the floor was a groaning Lynn Gunn.

"Uhm...excuse me!? Did you just fly out of my mirror? You need to fucking pay for this wall!" you yelled at Lynn.

She frowned as she looked around your bathroom. "What the hell? Where am I?" Lynn asked as she got up.

"I don't know. Maybe my fucking bathroom."

You turned to your toilet. "Should we throw her back in the mirror or make her stay here?" you asked.

You waited for a few seconds and nodded, looking back at Lynn. "My toilet says you need to stay here and pay for my wall."

"How the fuck did you even get me here?" Lynn asked, rubbing her head, still trying to ease the pain from slamming against the wall.

"You sang we could say your name into a mirror three times and I did and asked who the gayest of them all was and now you're here. You're really that hella gay."

You raised your eyebrow. "Wait, no. I'm sorry but my toilet is gayer. Look at that fucking beautiful flag bitch. Just a big goop of gay right there."

Lynn gave you a confused look and tried to walk past you out the bathroom but got thrown back by an unknown force.

You watched Lynn land on your toilet and turned back to the door. "Luke, I am your father."

You turned back to Lynn and groaned. "Dude, it's not because my toilet is gayer than you that you have to attack them." you said as you pulled Lynn off your toilet and dropped her on the ground.

"Oh wait. Where you doing something else with my toilet? Oh god, I don't ship it at all." you yelled at Lynn, slightly kicking her boot.

"No, stop, what the hell are you talking about. I can't leave this fucking bathroom anymore. You spawned me here through the mirror and now I'm stuck." Lynn said, getting up again.

"Wait, so you spawned here. Like in Minecraft? Here's only one way to respawn in Minecraft, right?"

"What? I don't play Minecraft. How do I get out of here."

"The only way to respawn is if you're dead." you said, smiling creepily.

"Oh, shit." Lynn muttered.


Hey guys. This was weird but probably the most amazing thing I have ever writen. I am actually proud of this.

But... maybe you want a sequel to this? Let me know.

Thanks for reading, voting and commenting!

I love you guys!


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