[3520 norтн мarѕнall ѕтreeт]

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[3530 norтн мarѕнall ѕтreeт]


Hey guys! It's been a while but I'm here with a new one shot. I suggest you read this note cause I'm gonna clear some things up.

I discovered a band called SKYND and they make music about real crime so for example, they have a song about Elise Lam who went missing and was found in a water tank on top of a hotel in 2013 and their other 5 songs are about serial killers, cannibals or just murderers.

I've always been very interested in stuff like that and I'm very happy I've finally found SKYND cause they're exactly my thing and their music is amazing! You should definitely check them out!

So they have a song called 'Gary Heidnik' with Jonathan Davis from the band Korn and I kinda based this on the killer Gary Heidnik but also not really. You'll see.

Okay, enough explaining. Enjoy. Or don't cause this isn't for the souls who are easily disgusted or scared. Don't look into the murderer if you're squeamish cause he's supposedly a cannibal too. :)

(That emoji looks so creepy now lol 😂)


Moonlight shone through the window she was standing in front of. Her body blocked the light from outside. A shadow was cast through the glass and into the house. Her blonde hair would probably have been shiny in the moonlight if it wasn't covered by a hood.

She chuckled to herself. She knew the backdoor was unlocked. The victim must've forgotten. This would be so easy.

She had never felt so eager before.

She slowly trudged around the house, not paying much attention to being quiet. She knew she didn't have to. The owner of the house was a deep sleeper and there weren't any animals around the property who could blow her cover. Well, not anymore. She had already dealt with them.

Her shoes splashed in mud again and again as she circled the house.

4 times

7 times

13 times

An unlucky number. But she wasn't going to be the unlucky one that night.

She finally ended her 13th round and stood still in front of the back door. Her hand shook as she lifted it up to the doorknob. She was trying hard to console her adrenaline.

She wanted to smash through the door and storm up to the victim's room but that would make her an animal. She wasn't an animal. She had an animalistic craving in her but she wasn't an animal.

She. Wasn't. An. Animal.

She finally stepped through the doorway after opening the door and took a deep breath. She smelled the victim's scent all around the house but couldn't hear her.
She was still asleep.


She looked around the kitchen. A full dog bowl was on the ground but there was no dog to eat from it anymore. She was so hungry, the dog food looked good enough to eat.

She turned her attention to the stairs and stood in front of them. They went up like all stairs do but they also went down which was most likely the way she was going after she's dead.

She was at the bedroom door in a matter of seconds. She almost couldn't control herself anymore. Her hands both trembled now and she was sweating.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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