[pepper ѕpray]

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[pepper ѕpray]


Duuuddeessss thank you for 9k reads. That's insane.



I pulled my key out of the lock of my front door and started walking away from my house. It was close to midnight but I promised my best friend I would go to her house for a sleepover with some other people. I couldn't go earlier because I had to do some homework but I was starting to regret going out so late.

I almost always had the feeling that someone was behind me. Even when my back would be against a wall but now my body couldn't seem to shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen.

While I crossed the street, I quickly glanced behind me to see a dark figure following me to the other side of the street.

My eyes started to look around frantically, trying to find a way out of this situation without having to face that person.

My hand almost automatically reached into my purse and pulled out a green bottle. I spun around on my heels and started spraying the pepper spray into the person's face.

The person let out a scream and was on the ground in just a few second, rolling around while trying to get the burning of their eyes to stop.

A little light from one of the street lights shone in the person's face. It was a girl and she suddenly looked very familiar.

"Omg! Lyndsey!" I yelled, immediately kneeling by her side and pulling her hands away from her eyes.

"It hurts. Fuck." Lynn yelled, blinking her eyes rapidly but they almost didn't open. The area around her eyes was red and already tear stained.

"Oh fuck. I'm so sorry. I thought you were some creep who was following me." I said, pulling on her arm to get her to stand up.

She grabbed my shoulders. "I think I'm blind." she said, sounding serious.

"You're not. Your eyes are just closed. Come on, we're going to my apartment."

After about five minutes we got back to my apartment but not without Lynn almost tripping over her own feet a few times and constantly saying her eyes hurt.

I unlocked the door again as fast as I could and pulled Lynn inside by her collar, immediately bringing her over to the bathroom.

I pushed Lynn into the bathtub and turned the sink on, letting the water flow on her eyes. She flinched when the water first hit her eyes but relaxed soon after that, almost falling asleep once.

I sat down on the ground next to the bathtub and hoped the pepper spray wasn't going to ruin her eyes forever.

Soon, the bathtub was full and Lynn was still sitting in the water with her soaked clothes. She managed to open her eyes slowly and she looked around until her eyes landed on me.

She giggled at me. "You're cute when you'r stressed."

My cheeks reddened by what she said but I tried to ignore her statement.

"Why did you sneak up on me like that?"

"I didn't. I called your name numerous times but you didn't turn around. I couldn't leave you alone on the streets at midnight so I decided to follow and eventually catch up to you."

I looked down at the bathroom floor and scoffed. "I must've been so busy with trying to find a way to get rid of you that I didn't even hear you call my name."

Lynn tried to blinked and rolled her eyes a few times. "It's okay. I can still see."

I groaned and looked up. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you went blind or something."

Lynn chuckled. "My eyes are fighters."

I laughed and helped her out of the bath, handing her a towel and some fresh clothes. A while later, she walked out into the living room with the clothes on.

"Thanks for doing this for me." she said as she sat down next to me on the couch.

"No problem. Sorry for pepper spraying you." I said, softly patting her shoulder.

She smiled. "It's okay. I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that."

"You've only been my neighbor for 3 days and I've already sprayed you with pepper spray. Isn't that a good start?"

Lynn laughed. "Maybe we should do this again but I won't follow you and maybe you shouldn't pepper spray me again."

"I'd like that."


Hey guys! Thanks for reading, voting and commenting! I really appreciate it!

I love you gays and not gays and half gays and other things!


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