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Warning! Suicide.

Unknown's POV

My breathing quickened as I ran from that place as fast as I could.

They shouldn't have reacted like that. That wasn't the plan. I imagined them being okay with it but they weren't. They ruined it.

I was still running as fast as I could and I couldn't stop. I couldn't control my legs anymore as they just kept moving.

I heard the one person I loved run after me and shout my name from behind me but I ignored her cries for me to stop.

She knew I was struggling with telling my parents about us. She knew. I was thankful that I had her but I was stupid for trying to be a part of her life. She didn't need me and I didn't deserve her.

I wasn't getting tired from the running at all. It was like I was doing it automatically. Like I was a robot.

Being a robot would be great. I wouldn't feel any emotions.

It's so easy to cut off a leg or an arm or cut out organs so why wouldn't they remove our emotions? They were just there to hurt us. They didn't do any good so I didn't need them. I had other things and people that made my life miserable enough already.

I was just sick of it. Of everything. If I just ended it now nobody would care. Maybe Lyndsey would and I would hate to see her hurt but I had to think about myself for this one time in my life. I didn't care if people thought I was being selfish.

I had always looked out for other people and considered their feelings but I never let anyone come close to me or let anyone see that something was wrong except for Lyndsey because she was kust as fucked up as me.

I guess I was good at putting on a mask and hiding who I really was and what was going on.

It was time to take off the mask now. I had had enough of this. I could be up in the clouds if I ended this and it would be so much better than on this cruel earth with these arrogant humans.

I had to do it.

I didn't move as I watched the car come closer to me at a very fast speed.

Everything seemed to be going in slow motion now.

I first looked at the driver of the car who's eyes were wide already. I frowned.

"I'm sorry but thank you for hitting me." I whispered.

I looked back at the side of the road where Lyndsey was still running, in slow motion now.

Tears were running down her face and she almost made me want to go back to her but I couldn't move anymore. I was already dead even though the car hadn't hit me yet.

I held my hands up in a heart and pointed them at Lyndsey. "I'm sorry. Always remember that I love you."

I looked back at the car and closed my eyes before taking a deep breath and letting it back out.

I felt an impact on my body but it was over so quickly. I felt my body fall to the ground and heard screams but then everything went silent and it was all black.

I was finally free.


Hey guys. Hope you liked this one shot. Vote and comment if you want. If you have any requests, make sure to let me know.

I love you guys!


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