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I wiped the remaining crumbs of my sandwich of my shirt as I walked to the door.

I hoped nobody important was on the the other side of the door because I looked like shit.

The doorbell rang again.

"Yes! I'm coming. God damn." I yelled at whoever was at the door.

I swung the door open and was met by a smiling Lynn.

"Oh, hi...Lynn. What are you doing here? How did you even get my address?"

Lynn just continued smiling at me and held up a sign that was behind her back the whole time.

It said: Leila, do you want to go to prom with me?"

I squealed and started laughing at my childish behavior but launched myself into Lynns arms.

"Yes! Of course I want to go to prom with you."

I quickly realized something and let Lynn go. "Wait, this isn't like a prank or something, right?"

Lynn laughed and shook her head. "No, it isn't. I'm happy you said yes."

I blushed and but my lip. "I'm happy you even asked me."


I looked at myself in the mirror. Would Lynn like this dress or is it too much?

"Leila, you look great! Come on, Tony is waiting for us in the car. We have to leave." my best friend Joel said.

I looked at him and raised my eyebrow. "So you finally had the courage to ask out Tony?"

"Nope. He asked me. Come on." Joel grabbed my arm and dragged me downstairs. "You don't want to be late and make Lynn think you're not coming, right?"

I smiled at the thought of Lynn and shook my head.

Joel and I got in the car and within 15 minutes we were at our school.

The three of us all walked inside. I was immediately overwhelmed by a lot of sweaty teenagers who were dancing all over the place.

Proms in movies always seemed so formal and fun but I guess that wasn't the case in my school.

Most of the people were total strangers to me but some I had talked to a few times or were in my classes.

Joel and Tony saw some people they knew and waved at them as they walked over to them, leaving me alone.

I scanned the room in search of Lynn but didn't see her anywhere.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around.

It was Lynn. She smiled at me and looked at my dress.

Lynn Gunn One Shots And ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now