[dead weιgнт]

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[dead weιgнт]


Lynn was standing in the middle of a dirt road that led to a small lake. Her car was parked behind her with the lights on. Her shadow looked thinner but taller, more threatening than the shadow she got from the light that the moon reflected.

Her hands were bloody but she didn't pay any attention to them. She watched from afar as the three bodies she had tossed into the lake slowly rose to the surface and stayed there.

She tugged at the collar of her jacket, pulling it up to avoid the freezing wind entering it but she couldn't zip it up. Her hands were still drenched, blood dripping from her fingertips.

Lynn sighed and stared at the drowned bodies. She chuckled to herself. "Dead Weight's off of my shoulders now."

She turned around and went back to her car. She took one last look at the three silhouettes and then backed out of the dirt road.

As Lynn drove, she realized she was free now. Putting these people out of her life was most likely the best decision she had ever made. She smiled at that thought.

Lynn's eyes flickered to the two disco balls dangling from the rear-view mirror. She knew what she wanted to do to celebrate this huge turn in her life.

A few minutes later, after changing her clothes and making sure the blood of her past friends was off her hands, Lynn was entering an underground club all on her own. She had never been to one alone. She always had her toxic friends around her but now that they were off her shoulders, she need to find new and better ones.

The club was submerged in red light, making it hard to see anything but Lynn knew it didn't matter. She felt more confident than she had ever felt in her whole life.

She walked up to a guy who looked right out of a Wes Anderson movie but seemed slightly out of the color theme. His whole outfit was bright red and had specks of white. He had makeup on that would make a cranky old human stare and be disappointed in the youth.

"Hello." Lynn said, completely ignoring the fact that the guy was having a conversation with someone else.

The guy averted his eyes from the other person and looked to Lynn. He looked her up and down. Not to check her out but to look at her fashion style. His eyes went from her all white boots to her black leather pants and stopped at the black blazer over a see-through shirt. With one gesture of his hand he waved the person he was talking to away.

"You have style. Who are you?"


The guy nodded. "Carlos."

Carlos came closer and bumped foreheads with Lynn. Lynn smiled and took a step back when the guy dusted off her shoulder in a playful manner. She did the same and pulled a face as she turned and walked away with Carlos behind her.

Lynn walked further into the club and came across an interesting looking woman. She had lipstick smeared all around her lips and her hair was a mess but she still managed to pull of the look.

She made eye contact with Lynn but just as Lynn was about to walk up to her, the woman turned around and disappeared into the crowd of dancing people.

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