The Beginning

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Buffy's POV


Good, she's finally sleeping. The constant rhythm of the train must've calmed her down. The stress of what she's gone through really hit her hard.

I lie back against a bale of hay, Faith's head in my lap.

She looks so peaceful and content, like sleeping beauty.

I stroke her chestnut locks and watch her sleep.

Wow... her hair is so soft and milky. No wonder so many guys want a piece of her ass, though I bet her ass has more to do with it than her hair.

I can't help but smile at that thought for some reason.

I'm not entirely sure why I had that thought.

I run my middle finger down her side.

Not to mention she keeps her body in perfect shape.

I catch myself with my finger and pull away.

Umm... when did I start thinking this way? I mean... it's true but, I've never really thought about Faith that way. It's hard to think of someone trying to kill you that way. I guess I never had a chance to think about her as anything but an enemy before. But she's not my enemy now, at least I don't think so. She's not the same person I knew. She may have power but she doesn't know how to use it and that gives me an advantage.

I take a deep breath.

Which means I know I can kick her ass any day of the week. Matter of fact I kicked her ass into a coma. I'd rather not in her current condition, but I can if I have to. Speaking of which, seeing as how I'm the one that pretty much put her in this situation, maybe I should try and not mention it to her. Having no memory might make her a little edgy when I try to help her. Edgy is not what we need right now, especially from Faith. I'll have to find a way to corner Anya. She tends to blurt out shit at exactly the wrong time.

I look out the window. I can see the lights starting to come on over the town. I look down at Faith, something about how peaceful she looks makes me lean down and kiss her on the cheek. She stirs in her sleep. I look back out at the sunset.

"And then there was Sunnydale..."

Faith's POV

A vampire jumps out in front of me. I grab him and throw him against the wall. Before I can react she stakes the vamp. She takes the lead and as we round the corner, a figure jumps out at her. She grabs it and thrusts it against a dumpster and its own weak legs give out from under it. She cries out as I lunge towards it.


I plunge the stake into its heart and step back, waiting for it to burst into a pile of dust but it doesn't. Blood starts to flow from the hole in his heart I just made.

She looks like she's panicking as she kneels down and tries to stop the bleeding. She's saying something but I don't hear what.

I start to hear something in the distance. I look around but see nothing. They sound like sirens. The police are coming... if they see this they'll, they'll blame me. I look left and right. They'll be here any minute.

"We-we have to go. Come on, we have to go."

I try and get her to come with me, and at the last second she does. We run down the alley. I dump the bloody stake in a nearby dumpster and climb over a fence. We head off in opposite directions from each other.

W-What am I doing? What have I done? What am I gonna do? I should go back... I can't, I can't let them find the body.

I start back towards where we left the body.

Out-out of sight out of mind. Yeah, the-that'll work... I'll take the body, I'll weight it and dump it in the water and that'll be the end of it. I'll never h-have to worry about it again... never have to worry, can't worry.

I look down at the body.

I-I killed him.

I kneel down and look him in the eyes.

They're so... empty. It-it's like the life was just drained from his eyes.

I reach out and touch the blood on his chest. The sirens get louder.

I gotta get the body out of here.

I grab the body by the arms and pull it over my shoulder. It feels light for a body that's gotta be at least 160 pounds.

I-I gotta get... get rid of the evidence.

I feel someone kiss my cheek and my eyes flick open.

"And then there was Sunnydale..."

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