Forgotten Conscience Remembered

625 26 2

Buffy's POV

"Faith... are... are you okay?"

"I'm five by five B, how about you?"

Oh... my... god. What did she say?


"That's my name B, don't wear it out. In fact, don't say it at all."

She gets off me and starts to leave.

Okay move Buffy... go after her. You can't just let her go... you have to go after her. GO... for GOD'S SAKES GO!

I finally get up in time to see her walk out the gym doors.

"Faith, please don't go..."

I run after her, throwing the doors open and I keep going. I catch up to her and stop her.

"Faith wait, stop..."

"I don't think I'm gonna be doing that any time soon, course that'd work better if you got out of my way."

"Faith we have to talk about this."

"No actually what we need to do is forget about this. That would've been easier if you hadn't given me my memory back."

Me? I...

"Me? How'd I give YOU your memory back?"

"What the hell else do you think happened back there?"

I feel my heart breaking.

"What happened? We, we kissed."

"Okay, first off, we're gonna get this straight. You kissed me."

"Uh Faith... you weren't the one with your hands pinned above your head."

"You took advantage of me B, and after all that useless talk about doing the right thing."

"All right, look Faith. YOU kissed ME, not the other way around."

"Yeah but you put me up to it."

"Okay WHERE are you getting this from?"

"Oh come on, you never thought about it?"

Thought about what?

"Thought about what?"

"All right THINK about it... last thing I remember is being stabbed and falling off a two story building, next thing I know I'm running for my life and have no clue who the hell I am. Then all of the sudden, you come along... you save my life, and offer to help me. What am I gonna say?"

I feel tears in my eyes.

"Well I..."

"You give me a place to sleep, food to eat and you expect me not to be grateful?"

"I... I'm sorry Faith I..."

"You should be, and then you have the audacity to tell me you're in LOVE with me?"

"I, I didn't mean to..."

"You did though... I did what I did because you made me feel like I had to so I could thank you for it. Come to think of it... the person who kissed you wasn't even me. She wasn't anything like me. As far as I'm concerned, it was just a kiss."

No... no it was more than that.

"So thanks for the saving my life and all that but now that I have my memory back? I'd prefer it if you'd just stay the hell away from me."

She... she doesn't meant it, she doesn't.

She starts to walk away and I go after her.

I can't let her leave, she might never come back.

"Faith please... don't go!"

She turns around with a right cross and it knocks me back and flat on my face. I turn over on the ground and look around.

She... She's gone... NO! I'm never gonna see her again. I-I have to find her... I can't live without her. But how do I find her? G-Giles, he'll know what to do, he always does. I have to go see Giles.

I try and get up but I collapse instead, breaking out into tears as I do.

I try and get up but I collapse instead, breaking out into tears as I do

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She didn't mean it. She didn't mean any of it. She does feel something for me. She admitted it. There has to a part of her that still feels it inside. There has to be... there just has to be.

The tears keep coming and I can't stop them.

I don't want to stop them. I don't care that I'm in the middle of campus. I don't care that there are people walking by who aren't even stopping. All I want to do is cry. I know all it was, was just one kiss but it was more than that. We kissed and I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. One kiss and she made me feel like I was made for more than just killing and death. Like I was made to love her. I have to find her again.


I look up but my eyes are filled with tears and I can't see them. I wipe my eyes and I can see them more clearly.

"Riley? What do you want?"

"I was on my way to class, hoping you'd be there and I found you here. Are you all right?"

I answer without even thinking.

"I'm fine."

I'm not fine. I won't be fine until I find her again.

"Buffy you're crying. I've never seen you cry, tell me what I can do to help."

"It's... it's just..."

I can't talk about this right now. I have to go find her.

I finally manage to get up.

"It's all right, I'll be okay."

I wipe the tears from my eyes.

I'll never find her if all I'm gonna do is cry.

"Well, whatever it is I want to help. Just tell me what I can do."

"Nothing... there's nothing you can do."

I start walking away, trying to remember how to get off campus.

"I may not be able to help right now but I'm sure there's something I can do. I'll go to Giles, you can go get Faith and..."

All of the sudden, something snaps inside me. I turn and grab Riley by the neck, pushing him up against a nearby lamp post.

"I told you there was NOTHING you could do. Now I'd prefer it if you'd just STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!"

She... that was the last thing she said to me.

My hand starts to shake against his neck.

"I... I..."

I let go of his neck and start running away.

I have to find her, no matter what it takes.

Forgotten Conscience (girlxgirl) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now