About Last Night

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Buffy's POV

It's not going away. I have this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach and it has nothing to do with the fact that we're walking through a hospital full of potential enemies. I have my slayer senses on high alert and the only thing I can sense for sure is that Faith is angry with me.

I would never think Faith would hurt me, but some how I made her think I would and it tears me up inside. I thought last night settled things. I told her how I felt, and she told me the same. Then came the fight, and we were so in sync it was eerie, and then we went home and we showed each other how we felt.

With the... and then the... with the way she... and I... god it was intense. When we all get through this and I patch things up with Faith, the two of us may have to go clothes shopping and we might wanna pick up a new bed while we're at it.

The headboard took quite a beating last night. But that wasn't the most intense part. The most intense part was afterwards when we just... lay there together, in each others arms all night. We didn't talk, we didn't make out, and we didn't fall asleep, well not for a good long while, we didn't even look at each other we just lay there... together.

Last night was incredible, but today everything is different. Today she's angry with me and real big with the not talking about it. This is not gonna happen. I'm not going into what could be the fight of my life with the woman I love mad at me.


She stops dead in her tracks as a groggy hospital patient in a paper gown comes our way down the hall. She grabs her by the throat and pins the patient to the wall.

"Where is he?"

I move to stand besides Faith.

"I... I don't know what you're..."

She pulls a single bottle of holy water out of her pocket and splashes the patient with it. The so-called patient vamps out and growls at Faith as her skin starts to burn. The gang and I are suddenly very aware that literally anyone in the building could be Omega's henchmen, not just the staff. Faith applies a little more pressure to the vamp's throat.

"WHERE is he?"

"D-Down the s-second door on the right... J-John Markette."

"Thank you so much."

She pulls a stake out from her jacket and dusts the girl right there. Without saying a word Faith heads off in the direction the vamp mentioned. I just shrug to Xander, Willow, Tara, Anya and Giles.

"I guess we know where to find Riley's murderer eh?"

Willow shrugs back.

"Yeah and we know his name."

Spike decides to chip in.

"What kind of sissy name is Markette anyway?"

Xander strikes back.

"I dunno William, what kinda stupid name is Spike?"

"Hey now..."

Giles steps in to break their near fight up.

"Children enough..."

He points to Faith who's already 10 to 15 feet ahead.

"We have more pressing matters at hand."

Xander and Spike retreat to neutral corners and we start to follow Faith down the hall to catch up. Anya makes her usual obvious comment.

"Kinda gung-ho about this isn't she?"

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