Jackson Whittemore (Bad)

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You walked down the hall to detention.

You had been talking back to Coach and he finally had enough and sentenced you to detention.

Jackson was the only student there.

“It’s just you two,” the librarian said.

You sighed and sat two tables away from Jackson.

He had a bad habit of trying to flirt with you.

But you knew he belonged to Lydia. Even if they had broken up.

Besides, he was Mr. Popular.

You weren’t popular. You also weren’t an outcast or anything.

You were kind of inbetween.

But that didn’t matter.

You just liked to stay by yourself.

Jackson was also a bad guy.

You had witnessed him bully others and talk about drugs and booze.

You didn’t even want to look at someone like that.

A book was placed in fronnt of you.

Your head snapped up and you was Jackson smiling, sitting in front of you.

You rolled your eyes and looked back down.

“Why don’t you like me, Y/N?” Jackson asked.

“You’re a jerk,” you replied.

“How would you know?” he challenged, “You never even talk to me.”

“I see what you do to other kids,” you answered, “The way you treat them is cruel and disgusting.”

Jackson seemed taken aback.

“Any other questions?” you asked.

He remained quiet.

Suddenly, he came next to you.

He hooked his fingers under your chin and made you look at him.

“I know I seem like the worst guy in the world, but I’m not. I just do that to put on a show for my friends. But you’re right, it’s disgusting. And I promise you I will stop,” Jackson spoke, “I’m just begging you to give me a chance. Get to know me and let me get to know you. One date, Y/N.”

You looked in his eyes and only saw sincerity.

You hesitated, but nodded.

“One date and you have to change,” you agreed.

Jackson smiled and kissed your cheek.

“I promise.”

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