CHAPTER 3: Stranger in the Alley

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The last class was at 6PM. I never wanted my bed so much. I looked through the windows and darkness had already claimed its time.

I turned into the usual alley to get back home. It was a shortcut. I felt a presence behind me though I chose to ignore it, brushing it off immediately. Everyone is trying to get home. I thought to myself.

Quickening my pace slightly in response to my desperate cry for a hot relaxing shower. "Excuse me", a voice called out from behind. I turned rather impatiently towards the direction of the voice.

"Are you following me?" I asked

"Not really", he smiled. "You are really pretty. My name's Jungkook".

I shook my heard thoughtfully. "Is that why you stared so much in class?"

"That and another reason." He said.

"What reason?"

"You are-" Jungkook was cut short.

"YN!" I heard another call me.

Looking over Jungkook's shoulder, I saw Yoongi running over. Jungkook equally turned towards the intruder. "Yah, you promised we would walk home together, I'm sorry my meeting took a little longer than I planned".

"No worries, you found me anyways."

Yoongi looked squarely at Jungkook before slowly turning his head towards me and grabbing my hand. "Let's go".

Jungkook watched us disappear out of the alley finishing his sentence. "-perfect for us".


"YN, listen to me." Yoongi stopped in his tracks, making me stop too. "Don't go anywhere from school without telling me ok?". I was more than confused at his request.

"What are you talking about Yoongi?"

"Just promise me".

"Sure". I brushed it off, knowing I wont get anywhere if Yoongi wont talk. He loved to act so protective at times but he sounded desperate here. Whatever. I will say yes just to calm him down. I'm an adult though, and I pretty much can get home on my own. But Yoongi will always be Yoongi I guess.

He walked me to my door, literally. "Yoongi you don't have to you know. We aren't kids anymore". I said to him.

"I know, I just suddenly feel protective."

"You have always been protective silly". I giggled. Making him smile too.

"I'm sorry if the way I acted embarrassed you, I just didn't like that guy's vibe."

"And I understand, I'm your 'little sister' after all." Using my fingers to quote those two words.

"Go on inside, I'll see you at school tomorrow." Yoongi urged on. "Ok, see ya".

Yoongi watched me close the door and breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't like the looks of that guy in the alley and he certainly hoped that it was the first and last time he spoke to me. Yoongi walked off to his house on the opposite side of the road, a little further down the street. He briefly stopped in  his tracks. "Little sister?" He sighed to himself walking off into the distance.


Taehyung frowned slightly."So you are saying you failed?".

"No, I'm saying someone got in my way. I don't know who he is, but he is always with her.

"You know we got less than 24 hours before it starts happening right?"

"God, you don't need to remind me Tae. I'm working on it". Jungkook stressed.

"Just find someone else for us Kookie." Jimin butted in. "At this point we have no choice."

Jungkook frowned. "You know, finding a person with positive energy is much harder than the two of you think.

"It's much easier if we can just find anyone even though they don't fit in with our exact specifications dongsaeng". Jimin countered. "You get stressed unnecessarily, that's not good for our synergy. We can find someone with negative energy and still survive, though they are not the most ideal for us but it's still something." Jimin tried to assure him.

"Ok....I guess we can find someone else for now."

They had a long day at school with back to back classes and the hour was drawing nearer and nearer. Jungkook desperately looked over at at his wristwatch. An hour left and this class will take 45 min of that hour. He groaned at the reality and this was such an important class he couldn't walk out of. He and the twins will have to sit through to the end of this class.


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