CHAPTER 17: Unseen

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Jungkook had been on his laptop for hours...searching for answers. He literally ran out of search words and key words.

Jimin dropped off what seemed to be the nth cup of coffee. He was worried about Jungkook.

"You should rest". He turned to walk away

"I'm sorry Jimin".

Jimin stopped in his tracks. "What for?"

"For thinking we could......feed on her. I didn't know you two were friends".

"It's not your fault". Jimin turned back to meet Jungkook's eyes. He gave him a smile to assure him but it faded when he realized something.

"Her blood....we were drawn to it". Jimin said.

Jungkook nodded.

"What did it look like?" Jimin asked.

"Like I didn't know who you two were, sure you guys are my brothers but it was became different people as you fed on her".

Jimin looked down. Shoulders slumping. "We hurt her and we hurt you, I'm sorry".

"Don't ever be". Squeezed Jimin's hand to reassure him.


"Guys we need to leave now". Jungkook announced as he opened the front door as the twins followed behind him.

They waved at their neighbour that usually picked up the morning paper from his mail box. He cocked his head to the side as he watched them walk past him. "Three boys? There's usually two....did they have a new housemate?" He spoke to himself as he closed his mail box and trekked back into his house.

They had arrived in time for their classes, walking into the hallway to get there. Stares were more than usual. Taehyung narrowed his eyes as he noticed the change in atmosphere. A few giggles here and there....some fawning sounds. It was all very confusing.

Class did not detract from other people passing quieted comments to each other just out of earshot of the boys.

They got more and more uncomfortable as time went by. Taehyung got irritated quickly and stood up abruptly. Taking his things and dragging Jungkook and Jimin out if class towards the school gardens where no one could hear them.

"Something is wrong" Taehyung spoke up. "What's up with everyone at this school?"

Jungkook was confused and tired from last night. He drank so many cups of coffee that he was literally dozing off in class....hard enough not to notice anything out of the ordinary.

"What is it Tae?" Jungkook asked sluggishly.

"I don't want to say anything even close to this but....i think they can see twins".

Jungkook was definitely awake now.

"Come on Tae, I don't think that's possible, we did feed." Jimin spoke confidently.

Jungkook wanted to agree with Jimin. "Tae, I would have known if anyone could see you guys".

Little did they know that someone was eavesdropping on their conversation.

I breathed out slowly, hearing familiar words from their conversation. I walked out onto them suddenly....and they were....I could see them all as clear as day...just like I would if I were at their house.

The twins were breathtaking in the sunlight. My eyes darted back and forth between them and Jungkook narrowed his gaze at my actions.

"I'm sorry I overheard your conversation and.....I can see you both" I pointed at the twins.

All their mouths fell open. Panic suddenly overtaking Jungkook's better judgment. "What?How did you-"

"I don't know how...actually....I could see you both even before today".

"Something happened, something definitely happened." Jungkook's eyes darted back and forth. "We need to leave now, are coming with us".


"What is it Hoseok? I'm working" Seokjin spoke without looking up from his papers. He had been on his office 3 hours after closing time.

"Oh Seokjin, working even when he has not been asked to". Hoseok trailed the edge of Seokjin's desk which was littered with paper work.

"If you are here to play games, I suggest Friday night when I'm actually off".

"You sure you don't want me here?" Hoseok had a small little smile.


"Well I will have you know that I found what you are looking for." Hoseok sat on Seokjin's desk.

Seokjin looked up at Hoseok with an irritated look. "Humour me".

"Our soon to be pet".

"Ugh, Hoseok seriously!"

"Calm down now, Im not yet finished.........that girl's murderer".

Seokjin's ears perked and his facial expression turned into confusion.

"You're joking right? How did you-"

"Oh I don't know.....a hunter's instinct?"

"What does you being a hunter have to do with finding a murderer?"

"Because not only is he the murderer.....he is also a witch and I must say he is quite the witch." Hoseok smirked and Seokjin's shocked expression.

"Impossible, witches had been wiped from this town at least a 100 years ago."

"Right....but the reappearance means they've been hiding......hard enough for us not to find them". Hoseok countered.

"He had the bracelet on him, the same bracelet I saw on YN". Hoseok said.

"Pfft....Hoseok....I have met YN....she was the one that gave me information on the victim".

Hoseok leaned over the table. "You do have a point, for some reason she does not display the characteristics. He has one half and she has the other...I will get to the bottom of this". Hoseok left Seokjin's office.



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