CHAPTER 58: Manifest

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Yoongi looked at the contact card that Taemin had obviously left on the bar table in the private booth they were in. He wasn't necessarily indecisive, he just wasn't sure what anything of Taemin had said meant. He knew one thing for sure, he wanted answers. Taemin spoke to him like he had known him, his wants and needs, his losses, his overall situation.

He needed to know. He was at home this afternoon, something he hadn't done in a long at home. He had made the bar his new home last time he checked, even lost count of how many nights its been. He got up from the sofa and took out his phone from his pocket to call the number that was on the contact card.

"Took you long enough to decide to see me again", Taemin spoke as he settled down in the private booth at the bar that they were in last time. "You seem to know enough about me to want me to work with you, spill, what do you want from me?"

"Good question, but what you should ask is what I could give you," Taemin smirked as he poured a drink for himself and for Yoongi. Yoongi decided he might as well play along, though he had his own reservations. "Fine then, what can you give me?"

Taemin took a sip of his drink and had a half smile pasted on his face. "Power"

"I've had power before", Yoongi pressed out the obvious.

"Not enough to render you powerful beyond all life forms", Taemin took another sip of his drink before standing up and suddenly placing both his hands on either side of Yoongi's head. "Let me show you", he spoke as he uttered a spell that rendered Yoongi unconscious. The last thing he remembered was drowning in his own blood-curting scream before he saw black.


Dami dropped the cup of tea she was sipping from, earning a look of confusion from Hoseok who had decided to ignore her presence as much as possible. At least, until he could find a way of getting rid of her entirely.

He needed magic, a witch or a warlock to do the job but he fell out with Yoongi so he would have to hunt for one again. He walked over to the kitchen counter that his mother was standing next to.

He looked down at the shattered pieces of the once intact cup. "You destroyed my fine china, I don't expect you to replace it. Just, clean it up before any of us get hurt."

He had started to walk away when Dami spoke after being in a slight trance, her eyes moving side to side as she registered what she felt. "You think me breaking your stupid fine china is important right now?" She spoke as she kept looking into the distance.

Hoseok stopped in his tracks. He looked back at his mother with a stoic expression. "What could possibly be so important that you convince yourself to destroy my fine China and think nothing of it? This must be really good then, I'm all ears". Dami looked up at Hoseok finally, her expression unreadable.

Her next words made Hoseok further regret ever raising her from the dead. It was a four word sentence, yet strong enough to make his blood run cold.

"Your father is here."



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