CHAPTER 52: Lost Love

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I was shaking, I couldn't sleep at all. The pain in my tummy was gone but a new and strange feeling replaced it........ Fear. I was afraid, everything happened in a blink of an eye.

I suddenly missed Yoongi. He provided a safe haven for me, someone that could protect me. This, this was all unfamiliar to me. Too much had happened too soon.

What? I'm a witch? I'm pregnant? A pregnant witch?

This was all really freaking me out. I must be dreaming and getting out of this dream is the only thing I wanted right now.

Namjoon had sent the nurse home for the night. He didn't want to alarm her any further. He had cast a spell to hide Jungkook's body when she had run into the room to treat me.

I silently slipped out of the bed and grabbed a jacket. Whatever this was, I had to leave it behind. I needed some normal in my life. I barely understood what was happening to my body and now.........

I breathed in the cold air as I felt my heavy feet move. Home........ Just think of home. I kept chanting to myself. Need to get home.

My feet got heavier and the air around me got thicker. Breathing became uncomfortable. I needed to sit down but I couldn't. Keep going YN. I thought to myself. But.....

"YN...... "

I froze, that voice...... My head snapped back and tears almost fell immediately. "Yoongi!" I ran into his arms.

"Please tell me...." I breathed in shakily.

"Please tell me I'm dreaming." I grabbed his shirt tighter.

"This is all a dream right?" I had hoped as I looked up into his eyes.

He gazed back into mine. All of the life drained from him. He wasn't the Yoongi I knew anymore.

"W.. What happened to you?" I looked him up and down.

"YN..... I had always wanted nothing except your safety and happiness..." Yoongi finally spoke.

"But I never thought I would start to hate you..." His voice sounded broken.

My lips parted slightly in surprise as these words came out of his mouth.

"Yoongi... I..."

"I lost my magic, YN". He spoke darkly.


"I am no longer a warlock." He let out a subtle laugh. But that laugh soon faded into a sinister look on his face. "Because of you". His gaze darked as I saw the last sign of warmth that I was always familiar with. "The idea of killing you myself suddenly doesn't sound like a bad one". He held my cheek gently, his hands ice cold and rough.

My breathe must have caught in my throat as I registered every single word he spoke. He was gone, I had lost him.

"Step away from her". A voice from behind Yoongi resonated through the dark, cold and silent night.

Yoongi had a little smile on his face when he turned around to see who challenged him especially on a day he wanted to kill someone.

My eyes widened when I realize Namjoon had followed me this whole time.

Yoongi could swear he had seen this face before but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"You followed me?" I asked. Walking past Yoongi towards Namjoon.

"Yes, you left the safety of the house and I simply couldn't just let you go". Namjoon spoke calmly.

"I want to go home".

"You are already home".

"No, I need to get away from you all. This must be a dream".

Namjoon grabbed my wrist when I tried to walk away. His calm vocal tone had gotten deeper and aggressive. His gaze staring into me and a bright vibrant blue.

"You need to come back to where I can protect you. It's not safe out here, especially for a pregnant witch." He smiled subtly.


I turned to face Yoongi who had a confused look coming my way.

"No! Yoongi don't listen to what he is saying. Please just take me out of this dream." I could handle anything, just not losing Yoongi. I know he loved me and him knowing about this would just break him.


I felt an overwhelming rash of jealousy, anger, and hurt. Pregnant..... YN is pregnant.

I looked straight into her eyes." Who is the father?"

She started shaking, couldn't keep still. My eyes travelled down to her belly, which still looked flat.


My eyes narrowed and my gaze got sharper. "It's one of them isn't it?"

She looked down, dared not to look me in the eyes. I stepped closer and placed my hand on her cheek as a tear from her eye dropped and flowed down my hand.

"I tried to protect you from them", my hand was shaking by her cheek. "But my efforts were wasted on the wrong person." He chuckled a little. "I even became a blood warlock just to have more power to protect you."

I looked up at him in shock. All this new information just coming at me unfiltered. I wished it was a dream now more than ever.

"And now, the person I tried to protect is with the very people I tried to make her stay away from."

His hand let go of my cheek and suddenly wrapped around my neck. "Killing you won't bring my magic back but the thought of it is just as good." Blackness swam in his eyes as I felt air cease to fill my lungs.

I was almost gone, I felt myself fall to the ground as Yoongi was pushed away from me. "I told you to step away from her." Namjoon said as he punched Yoongi to the ground.

He got on top of him. "You never learn do you?" His eyes glowed a vibrant blue. It all came back to Yoongi. It flashed as quick as lightning before him.

That day, the spell, those eyes.

"No! Please don't hurt him! I will come with you, just please....".

Namjoon's blue orbs returned to a normal brown and he got off Yoongi. "I warn you, a next time will mean your death."

Namjoom grabbed my wrist and led me back to the place I dreaded to be. I had nowhere to go now. My heart sank lower than the deepest ocean

I lost Yoongi.....

I lost him forever



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