CHAPTER 47: I Missed You

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The first aid kit had run out of medicines except for one small vile that was arched in the top left corner of the kit that Namjoon only noticed after rummaging through it.

When he was sure it still had some medicine in it, he damped some cotton swab with alcohol and reached up to Seokjin's face. He winced in pain with his eyes shut as the alcohol stung hard at his open cuts. "You don't need to do this". Seokjin spoke calmly. "It's my fault, I got between them".

"And you were supposed to" Namjoon cut in. "They were being immature, you did nothing wrong". He insisted. "I will teach them a lesson in my own time but right now I need to clean you up and avoid an infection. He worked hastily but carefully, placing the last band aid on when he attempted to get off the bed. Seokjin grabbed his wrist. "Don't leave"

Namjoon raised his eyebrows. "It's just that, ever since the...." Seokjin swallowed before continuing "....the time we were in the basement...I....we haven't been together properly. "I would never leave you Seokjin, I'm right here". Namjoon tried his best to give him a warm smile to help him relax, he knew Seokjin was on edge since that day.

His attempts to reassure Seokjin were cut off when his lips were sealed with Seokjin's own. He clung on to Namjoon's shirt strongly till his knuckles went white. Namjoon kissed him back gently, holding only the side of his face that had no band aids. Seokjin briefly broke the kiss "I missed you, truly". He tried to breathe calmly but Namjoon wouldn't let him as he travelled down to his neck. "Me too" he spoke against Seokjin's skin as he travelled further down.

"Joonie......." Seokjin breathed and Namjoon looked up into his eyes. A flash of green coming across his irises as a longing and a need built in him. When last was he with Seokjin? He didn't want to count, only this moment mattered.

Seokjin leaned back voluntarily, pulling Namjoon down with him by his shirt collar which he pulled down past Namjoon's shoulder's shortly afterwards.

He looked into Namjoon's glowing green eyes, knowing exactly what Namjoon was.....a Gemini Twin and he wasn't afraid to look into his eyes. He was almost sure he found comfort in the colour. He could feel how much Namjoon longed for him by how tightly his grip around his waist was becoming. "Jinnie..." Namjoon captured Seokjin with his lips once again and this time, he slowly discarded both their clothing slowly without interrupting the flow of pleasure that he gave to Seokjin.

Both butt naked, Namjoon could have sworn this was the first time he could see how beautiful Seokjin was. He wanted to take the pain away that Seokjin experienced today. He reached his hand down and gently wrapped his hand around Seokjin's already hard length while slowing parting his legs apart. Seokjin was already a moaning mess by the time Namjoon began pumping his length. He stuck his fingers in his own mouth and properly prepped Seokjin before pushing himself in......the feeling so exceptionally pleasuring, he thought he went blind for a moment.

Seokjin moaned Namjoon's name brokenly as he thrusted into him steady and slow. He missed Namjoon so much, he thought he had lost him but he was right here....becoming one with him. These thoughts only adding more pleasure to his already overwhelmed body.

As Namjoon picked up the pace he shut his eyes tightly as he felt how unbelievably warm Seokjin was. "You are so warm" he groaned into Seokjin's ear.

He continued to move, bringing them both closer and closer to climax. "Joonie...." Seokjin moaned and Namjoon locked eyes with him. Seokjin felt his high come when at the same time he noticed Namjoon's eyes turned into a vibrant blue. Namjoon following right after him and as he rode out his high, his eyes became more and more vibrantly blue. "Seokjin......" his voice sounding a few octaves deeper than usual as he allowed himself to release.

He lowered his face to kiss Seokjin once again and he kissed back contently. He slowly slid out of Seokjin and pulled him into his arms. In the dead of night, the two lay next to each other.

For one night, just for one night.....they could focus only on them and bask in the happiness of finding each other again. Seokjin looked contently at a sleeping Namjoon before he himself lost the battle with sleep as his eyelids closed without his permission, joining Namjoon in dream land.



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