CHAPTER 64: Dark Arts

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"What's this? Where am I?"

I looked around at the blackness that surrounded me with a little light coming from what looked like stars. Last thing I remembered was screaming so hard that I blacked out. That pain......I can never forget how it felt.

"You are in another dimension", I had another voice speak. I turned around to look for its origin and my eyes settled on Taemin. "W...what do you mean?" I stumble up to my feet with great difficulty, grounding my self and regaining my balance, legs slightly apart to compensate for the slight dizziness I feel".

"I mean power, Yoongi. I took your soul out of your body to bring you here".

I furrowed my brows. "Am I dead?"

"Well, technically yes. No one can come here alive and in their physical form, which is why you felt the pain you felt".

I looked down at my hands and tried to put them together, but they went right through each other. "Why are you doing this?"

"To show you, Yoongi. To show you just how much power I can give you if you follow me."

"Why do you want me? I still don't understand."

"Because you are very important to my plan, you know where to get what I need".

"Which is?" I ask still trying to get answers. He just smirks and walks a circle around me. "No telling unless you agree to my proposal." He stops in his tracks and looks at me, walking in my direction and stopping right in front of me. He placed his hands on either side of my head, his eyes becoming completely black and devoid of any soul.

He presses his fingers to my temples and I feel a whiplash effect. A pull takes me deeper into a dark hole into which I fall, I can't scream because my voice has been scratched from me. I just fall, continue to fall for what seemed like an eternity. It finally stops. I open my eyes which I had unknowingly closed out of fear and what I saw was unimaginable.

It happened in a split second. I felt another pull so dangerously tight that I felt like my soul was being ripped to shreds. I opened my eyes and gasping to try to breath again. I looked around and saw we were back in my house? I checked again for familiar objects in the room to make sure.

"I'm sorry I had to take you out of there before you died for real". Taemin smirked at me but I looked him horrified.

"What did I just see? black magic?"

He shook his head, maintaining a small smile on his face. "Much more darker than that and I can give it to you if you want".

"Why would I want such a dark, corrupt and twisted form of magic?!" I felt panicky like I had seen the devil himself or some shit like that.

"Because you need power to get revenge".

"What is this revenge you keep raving about huh?"

"Oh.....seems you truly don't remember what happened to you?" Taemin got up from beside me and began to pace around the room. "What happened to me?"

"Your little warlock powers were taken from you by a Gemini, remember the night of the sacrifice".

My eyes narrowed trying to remember. Jimin and Taehyung definitely did not have the capability to do that. "Those twins were bound, they couldn't have been able to-"

"Another Gemini had taken your power, Kim Namjoon." Taemin stopped pacing around the room to face me. "W....what? He did? But-"

"But what? He did that because you were about to sacrifice his nephews and so he choose to take you out instead. That's why you lost your power and ability to practice magic. Do you feel it sometimes? That pain, that itch? Like you need to do magic but you can't?"

I felt rage consume me as I realised the coven was not the one that took it all from me, my right to be a warlock. It was a fucking Gemini?! A Gemini took away my birthright, my identity, my life, my purpose, everything! I can't feel the earth anymore. Anything I touch, feels like nothing. No life, no soul in it like a witch or warlock would feel. I try to calm myself. "How do you know all this?" I ask. I only met him recently after all.

"Because I see everything, you can say that I am all-seeing", his smile became more menacing. "How did you get all this power?" I press on.

Taemin shook his head once more. "You get to ask questions after you respond to my proposal. Do you want to get revenge or not?" He holds out his hand to shake mine. Still unsure, I stay unmoved.

He pulls his hand back and instead snaps his fingers and right before me, the scene replayed.....the night of the sacrifice.....except this time....I could see exactly what happened to me. I looked on as Namjoon transformed into a creature I have never seen before.....a two-headed beast? Suddenly I felt, exactly what he was doing to me in that scene in the here and now.

To say that I screamed is an understatement. I fell to the floor as I relived the pain and anguish he caused as he took away my power. I felt him rip into my soul and take me.

I am almost blacked out before I hear another snap and it all immediately seemed like a dream. "Now, do you want to or not?"



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