CHAPTER 12: Dead Body

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"Jimin!" Taehyung called out to him as he knocked.

A brief moment later, the door opened. "What is it Tae?"

"We need to talk now". Taehyung's voice was firm.

"Not right now I have a guest".

"The guest can wait Jimin. This is important".

Jimin sighed and peaked at me to mouth an apology before slipping out the room.

"Alright Tae, spill".

"Something is wrong in this house and your guest seems to be the reason behind it."

"Tae, I love you but you sound ridiculous right now".

Taehyung rubbed his hair roughly in frustration. "I'm not ridiculous Jimin, she shouldn't be here".

"Why then?"

"Its hard to explain-"

"How convenient..." Jimin snapped.

"Listen, I can't say exactly right now but this is a strong feeling I have and-"

"Guys come on, we can have this talk when YN leaves". Jungkook chimed in. Not wanting their voices to rise while I was in the house.

Jungkook broke up the conversation. "We can all talk later".


I scanned Jimin's room trying to keep myself occupied while he was out. He had quite a number of books on his tiny bookshelf.

I scanned through the titles of each of the books. Trying my very best to ignore the sweet scent of the house that kept consuming my senses.

I sat back down in the chair out of boredom. My eyes panning back to the diary he left on the table.

I shouldn't.......

But I did.....

I was drawn to it

I opened it and scanned through a few pages

During the feed, I had another memory flash before me. My mother, my father and an unknown woman who spoke in a language I could not understand. I felt myself slipping into darkness.....a shadow is what I became.

I furrowed my brows in confusion. Shadow? Feed?

My eyes scanned through another page.

Taehyung and I have become.......

I couldn't read any further before I heard Jimin's voice.

"Hey YN...."

I heard the door opened and quickly replaced the diary on the table. My head panning towards the door at such lightning speed I felt a crack in my neck.

"I'm sorry for leaving you here too long, you must have been bored". He said.

I shook my head vigorously. "No, not at all...I....uh....have to get going."

Jimin nodded. "I'll get my coat and-"

Jimin froze as he realized what he was about to do is impossible. He mentally panicked.

"Give me a sec". He rushed out the room.

"Ugh what now??" Jungkook had just about enough intrusions for the night.

"It's important".

Jungkook sighed and turned around in his chair. Giving Jimin a go ahead look.

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