CHAPTER 33: Bound By Blood, Fate, Love

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Yoongi was sure he was missing a really big clue when saw me fall apart right after Jimin did. He scratched his wrist to the point of breaking his skin because his rage hasn't been in control. He hasn't been in control and while he wants to show no one what really hurts him, he is having a hard time not reacting to this particular new discovery.

What even was this?

He is now a blood warlock, he should figure it out. He couldn't fucking wait, he used a teleporting spell to show up right inside Hoseok's bedroom as he slept with Seokjin beside him.

"Hoseok wake up!" Yoongi was impatient and decided to be just loud. Hoseok groaned long and deep in his sleep peeking his eyes over to see an expressionless warlock standing at the foot of his bed. "Holy fuck whats wrong with you I'm not dressed!" He frantically covered himself up and Seokjin as Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Please, nothing to see here. Take me to your basement now."

"Is that why you came all the way here to wake me for? Well you teleported into my bedroom.....might as well teleport to my basement yes?"


"No? Why?"

"I...I don't know where it is".

"Yet somehow you knew where my bedroom was".

"Because your door is not locked dummy. Your basement's door however, is tightly secured so how the fuck can I teleport into a locked room huh".

"Fine, uuugghhh, follow me." Seokjin stirred in bed as Hoseok left and let Yoongi out. Hus eyes opening slightly to register the two figures heading downstairs.

"I'm doing all I can to get those twins for you, you need to do favours for me. Right now is that time."

Hoseok sighed as he entered the password to the basement. "Why would you want this out of all I would do for our deal?"

"You have information, I need it.....particularly a book transcribed in Bemba with everything I might need to know about the twins."

Hoseok looked shocked. "How did you know about that book?"

"Because only my kind would know of its existence. Seeing that I traced it to your house, your ass definitely stole it from us."

Hoseok wanted to punch Yoongi but decided it wasn't worth it right now. "I'm a hunter, while I'm civil most of the time in how I gain my possessions, some are just too precious to the other person to be asked for politely. So I had to steak it but couldn't read a fucking word."

"So then how did it lead you to this specific town to find the twins?"

"That was purely coincidence.....but a certain beautiful little witch gladly translated the book from Bemba to Korean for me and gave me clues to keep looking right around this area."

Yoongi could feel his blood begin to rise. "How the fuck did you find out about YN?"

"I guess you still underestimate the intuition of hunters. Just because we are human doesn't mean that most supernatural creatures can outsmart us. Be weary of us".

Yoongi's eyes narrowed. Not a fan of Hoseok's little speech though he needs it to have just a little more insight on his agenda".

"I was going to use the pretty little witch but you can be just as useful since you insist she doesn't need to be involved"

"Well now she is involved".


"Something happened when I tried to take one twin down". Yoongi struggled to focus on what he was saying as he tried to push out that image of Jimin and I kissing..

"Why would you do that when you yourself said they have to be linked with their spiritual protector by feeding on blood in order to take them both?"

"I wanted to try if I could take them one by one".

"But why the sudden urgency?"

"I want them away from YN ok?"

"Oh god no, how the fuck is a stupid love between you two supposed to make you decide what to do before fully preparing for it?"

"She got hurt ok?!"


"While I tried to take him, she came along too. I had to I hurt him I hurt her too. And this is why I need you to give me that fucking book right now because I want to know what caused it."

Hoseok sighed as he opened the trunk. "Here", he throw the heavy book towards Yoongi who caught it effortlessly.

He scrolled through a few pages. He could read Bemba perfectly without translation. It was his coven's book after all. His narrowing eyes grew wide as he read a line from a passage and another passage.

"What?" Hoseok looked at him expectantly.

"She is bound to him".

"Thats it? I thought it was something way more grant and much more seriou-".

"Bound by Love, Blood and Fate" Yoongi continued speaking completely ignoring Hoseok as his gaze focuses on nothing.

He furrows his brows at the confusing yet familiar phrase. Sure, he gets the love part.....which probably refers to Jimin but he does not like how the whole phrase sounds together.

"So what now?"

"I'm going to kill them all, whoever answered the door today placed a spell on that house....I'm going to kill him to break the spell then kill the twins".

"The Twins are not yours to kill, what the hell with this talk huh?"

"You think I give a fuck what you think now? I don't like what I read and to protect YN, I must kill them all. Once the coven leaders tell me what this means, it's over for them."

Seokjin gasped from behind the door. "Kill Namjoon?" He panicked, he wished he had his number but he had to warn him somehow. He didn't know how long it would take Yoongi to get his answer from the coven leaders but all he knew was he needed to move faster than Yoongi.

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