CHAPTER 21: Ally or Foe?

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Jimin was met with a tense atmosphere. He discretely closed the front door and hesitantly approached the living room.

There, his Uncle Namjoon whom he recently got to meet was seated right in the centre of the room.....calmly breathing. Jungkook was standing by his side with hands folded but Taehyung wasn't there.

"Where's Taehyung?"

"He doesn't want to see you". Namjoon spoke calmly.

"Why? Whats this about?"

Jungkook looked crossed. This was the first time he felt so angry with one of his brothers.

"I thought we talked about leaving the house before merging". Jungkook finally spoke.

Jimin looked down....eyes darting between his two feet.

"You know perfectly well that you still need to feed first but you snuck out to god knows where", Jungkook's voice was rising steadily.

"I had to see YN".

"And what about YN is so important that you had to leave?"

"I just wanted to apologize to her"

Couldn't it wait?!" Jungkook was now walking towards Jimin. Standing right in front of him and pointing straight at the spare bedroom in which Taehyung was now in.

"He won't come out, he wont talk to our uncle, he wont talk to me and he most certainly wont talk to you".

Jimin looked up at Jungkook. "I did nothing wrong! All I wanted was to comfort YN".

"I get it ok? But people like you and me just don't go round 'comforting' people, we have our own shit to deal with......if only you could remember that". Jungkook walked passed him and went to his own room clearly pissed off.

Namjoon sighed to himself and beckoned Jimin to come closer and sit next to him. "I'm sorry Jimin, you weren't supposed to leave the house". He sounded much more gentle than Jungkook.

"I just needed to see YN".

Namjoon shifted uncomfortably in the chair at the sound of my name. His mind was fighting its own thoughts.

"Jimin, you can't see least not now". Namjoon tried to sound less harsh.

"Why? Why is everyone here suddenly so concerned about her?"

"It comes with good reason Jimin....a reason I cannot tell you now until you merge with your brother again tomorrow."

Jimin raised a brow. He felt he was told to do so much for so little reason and just found it unfair.

"Promise me" Jimin said.

"I promise". Namjoon reassured him.


Jungkook sighed as he watched Taehyung prepare for class. He did not speak to anyone since last night....ate nothing too.

Jungkook had warned Jimin not to agitate him any further and he complied. Silently they walked to school.

Jungkook felt uneasy being with his brothers in public but he couldn't force them to stay at home either. Taehyung wanted to get out of the house to clear his head.

It was finally time to feed. Jungkook quietly lead his brothers to the usual dark alley after spotting a suitable "candidate". They never liked to think of the word "victim".

Jungkook had already started chanting as the "candidate" fell into a trance. Jimin and Taehyung dug into his neck shortly after. Drinking just enough blood to merge back into one body.

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