CHAPTER 26: Thorns

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Yoongi wanted to get this over with. He needed the ingredients for the spell within two days. He had hopped that he would be left alone after this.

He had wished he had never seen the Twins in the alley that night. Deep down he knew what that would start. His coven had been laying low for 30 years after the witch trials that sent thousands into exile and hundreds to burn at the stake.

The presence of Gemini Twins threatened their coven to be found out. He wanted more power to protect the coven, to protect me and to retaliate any attack on the witches and warlocks. That's why he begged the council to make him a blood warlock because blood witches and warlocks had the strongest but most destructive magic.

He headed into the forest to collect his first set of ingredients. He chanted a tiny spell with one hand stretched towards the trees to lure in a dove and a crow.

Within seconds, a white dove and a black crow flew down from the forest trees and gently landed on his outstretched arm. He whispered another chant and the dove and crow flew back into the forest leaving behind 3 if their feathers each.

He placed them in a small pouch by his waist as he stepped forward only to stop in his tracks. He looked slightly over his shoulder. Someone was here he did not expect.

Jungkook was walking up until he found a big comforting tree. With tears in his eyes, he slide down the tree in defeat.

"I thought I had a lot of work to do in finding the chola of the Twins, but turns out that he came to me instead."

Yoongi walked a little closer. Analyzing the state he was in. He walked up to him and looked down at him.

"What do you want?" Jungkook asked as he sniffed. He didn't look up at Yoongi.

"Nothing much, just your blood". Yoongi was rather straight forward.

Jungkook giggled out. He had heard enough for a day and now some stranger wanted his blood. He must be dreaming.

He stood up and dusted himself. "That's a good one, it actually made me laugh. But if you don't mind, I would like to left alone. I suggest you take whatever stunt this is to someone who will actually pay you some mind."

Jungkook began to walk away when Yoongi grabbed his arm roughly to turn him to face him. He lightly tapped his forefinger on Jungkook's forehead and chanted a spell that put Jungkook to sleep instantly. A small white cloud rushing down his whole body to numb him from head to toe.

Yoongi pulled out a special blade, one only blood warlocks and witches can use. Grabbing Jungkook's wrist, he made a clean cut effortlessly and drew blood into a small vessel that had herbs at the bottom to help keep the blood fresh.

Yoongi looked at his wristwatch. "He will be up in 20 minutes". He cleaned the wound and pack up everything before leaving Jungkook alone in the forest in deep sleep.


"We need to find him!" Namjoon screamed at Jimin.

"I tried his phone, its off. Where does he usually like to go?" Namjoon asked Jimin desperately.

"I...I...don't know.....he could be anywhere!" Jimin was equally frustrated. This night was not a good one at all. So much ran through his mind.

Namjoon rubbed the back of his head in frustration. He decided to go to Taehyung's room and drag him out.

"Uncle what are you doing?!" Taehyung was having a hard time physically getting Namjoon's hands off of him.

"Stop kicking, I'm stronger than you no matter what you do boy".

"Leave me alone!"

"You wish". Namjoon dragged and dropped Taehyung right in front of Jimin.

"Now you two boys will continue your fight later. Kill each other as much as you wish but my priority is to find Jungkook right now and if any of you get in my way I swear to god I will kill you both myself!" Namjoon was panting, trying to catch his breath.

"I need you both to find your brother, I have a bad feeling".

"Shouldn't we just look for him by actually going out?" Taehyung had a sarcastic tone which Namjoon did not appreciate.

"No dummy, you and your brother will find him right here right now. Just pay attention."

Namjoon grabbed both their hands and placed them together. Jimin looked at Taehyung with a look of disappointment and loathing but finding Jungkook was the priority right now. He was going to through with whatever this is.

"Both of you close your eyes and breath deeply." Namjoon calmly instructed.

"How are we going to find Jungkook by doing this?" Jimin asked.

"You will sense him. I can see none of you have really known what you are capable of as Gemini Twins but that's a subject for another day. Just follow me, I'll lead you through it." Namjoon assured Jimin.

"I want you both to think of any place that Jungkook likes to go to. Think of the place he would go to if he was upset or stressed."

After a few minutes, the Gemini Twins both opened their eyes and shook their heads. Nothing......they got nothing.

Namjoon bit his lip. The bad feeling he had only increasing in magnitude. "Try to think of Jungkook's deepest fears, anything that triggers him".

This time the Gemini Twins began to clear their minds and focus only on the words Namjoon spoke. Their bodies began to feel warmer and warmer as they slipped further and further from reality.

They could see themselves standing at the edge of a forest. A strong wind made the trees dance and bow to one side. The twins took a step forward into the forest noticed a big tree in the centre surrounded by thorns on the forest floor.

The thorns began to grow longer with their sharp end pointed towards a figure that lay underneath the tree. The thorns moved steadily towards what appeared to be......

Jimin gasped and woke up out the trance, forcing Taehyung to come back as well. "Jungkook!" Jimin shouted as he got up hastily.

"What did you see?!" Namjoon asked desperately.

"We must get to the forest now!" Jimin panicked as he grabbed his coat and opening the front door. Namjoon and Taehyung running out after as well.



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