CHAPTER 15: No Memory

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I woke up in my bed again. Not remembering last night or the night before.

I frowned at my lack of memory and forgetfulness. When did I get home? What did I eat? When did I sleep.

I shoved the covers of my body and got out of bed, slightly wincing in pain and touched my neck. I hurried to the mirror and my eyes widened at the sight if two band aids on both sides of my neck.

I called Yoongi and it went straight to voicemail. I frowned again for the nth time. Yoongi has been MIA for a full week now. I made a mental note to go to his house after school


I failed to concentrate in class. I had hot flashes and felt weak. I had drank at least two bottles of water and an entire litre of juice. I fanned myself constantly, itching for class to be over.

I excused myself out of class....I couldn't take it. I needed some air. I rushed down the hallway and headed out towards the school garden to find a nice shade under a thick tree.

I felt a hand over my shoulder and I whipped my head to turn. I was startled.

"Sorry!" Hoseok said as he sat down beside me. I smiled at his presence and actually missed talking to him.....even though I don't know him well.

"I didn't expect you would come here", I said.

"Me? I do come here, rarely though..." Hoseok trailed off when he noticed my heavy breathing.

"Hey are you ok? You look..."

"Tired, I'm just a little tired that's all".

"Are you sure? Because..." Hoseok stopped himself from speaking. "I'm sorry, I can take you home to rest if you don't mind."

I nodded and followed him towards the parking lot.

We arrived at my house. He pulled over and led me out the car. I held onto his shirt tightly, my legs wanting to fail me.

Up to the door he led me and watched as I unlocked the door. "Thanks for the ride."

"It was the least I could-" Hoseok paused.

"Why are you wearing a scarf in summer?" Hoseok's eyes rested on the tiny peep the band aid made above the scarf...just a tiny piece.

"I.....I....have a flu...yes...a flu so it feels pretty chilly to me." I hoped he would take the lie.

"Huh....ok then, if you need anything let me know."

I nodded but quickly got surprised when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug. "Get well soon".

His breath was chilly against my hot melanated skin, sending shivers down my spine. He slowly withdraw from my ear and stepped back to wave in my face with a huge smile on his face.

I smiled back and thanked him again before he finally left.


Hoseok drove back to the school but decided to take a shortcut into a lonely road. It was getting dark and he still had to lock up the library.

A figure stood right in the middle of the road, causing him to stop his car. He got out of the car. Walked towards the figure and he wouldn't be lying if he said who he saw was amusing.

The figure spoke up in a stern voice. "Stay away from YN".

"Excuse me? You block the entire road just to say that to me?"

"Who are you anyway?"

"Someone you don't want to make enemies with"

"And what's it to you whether I'm with YN or not?" Hoseok countered.

"None of your business"

"Oh no, that's not the game we are playing, not after you approach me so boldly. I don't take that lightly". Hoseok said.

"You shouldn't". The figure answered.

Hoseok looked at the man up and down and smirked. "You must have a good reason to come at me like this.....and I assume that reason  is something out of the ordinary."

"You can think whatever you want to think, my interest is that you simply say away from YN".

Hoseok nodded. "This conversation is over and certainly not fruitful. I will continue to see YN however and whenever I please".

"I will kill you if you do".

"Now we are getting somewhere.....I thought you would never fess up". Hoseok kept his aura cool but Yoongi was enraged.

"Now what business does a young man like you have going round killing people?"

"This is a warning specifically for you". Yoongi's tone grew darker.

Hoseok looked down to Yoongi's wrist and noticed the same bracelet that he saw on me. A smirk slowly appearing on his face.

His phone buzzed in his pocket and he picked it up. "Hello, Mr. Principal.....I'll be right there". Hoseok looked up to see Yoongi gone. He had a small smile on his face as he got back into the car and drove off.



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