CHAPTER 16: Neither nor Either

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I write down every major thing in my diary for the past 5 hours of being at school. Memory loss and time lapse for the past few days freaked me out enough to motivate me to record every event.

I had hoped to see Jimin today, maybe chat a little and tell him what I was going through but he nor his brother were anywhere in sight. I dialed Yoongi's number and it still went to voicemail. I sighed, earning for a sense of familiarity. I did make plans to go by his house and I would do just that.

A hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me into what seemed an empty library. It was Hoseok. He had a small smile on his face. "How are you feeling YN?"

"Nothing happened all day, thanks for asking. But....why did you bring me in here?"

"Remember the books I gave you?"

I nodded.

"I needed to ask you a favour actually". He looked at me intently.

"There's some research I am doing on certain school topics and the School Principal would like me to write a report on it. Could you possibly translate these passages for me from Bemba into Korean?" He pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, which indicated page numbers and some index and glossary information.

"Oh its on the book about Gemini Twins." I said as I took the paper.

Hoseok's expression grew dark but he hid it from me.

"Can I take you home? This is my first return of the will be coffee". He smiled.

I dialed Jimin's number. It just rang and rang. I sighed and place my phone down. I needed answers and no one could provide them for me.

My thoughts trailed back to the book Hoseok learnt me. I picked it up from my bookshelf and trekked over to my living room to read it.

It was all written in Bemba. I flipped through the first pages that had not much to say. Pulling out the note Hoseok gave me, I specifically went over to the passages he wanted me to translate.

My eyes widened at the titles in the section the notes led me to.

Twins born on the first day of Gemini in the Zodiac........

Blood of Gemini Twins



"The blood of Gemini Twins is an important ingredient in particular witch spells...."

I read to myself, completely confused but carried on.

"Only a blood witch can conduct this other.....

.....this blood can be used in only 3 types of spells.....

1. To bring one back from the dead

2. To attain control  over the forces of nature

3. To create or uncreate life....immortal and mortal"

It felt to me like a fictional novel. I read on but my heart almost stopped at the next line I read.

"Gemini are pairs but never exist as such in the real world, either is a shadow of the other......

.........their true form is not as one but as body but two faces"

I immediately had flashbacks of Jimin's diary.........and the time he spoke to himself in the school garden. I remembered Taehyung only appearing when Jimin disappeared.

My mouth fell open. Eyes trailing over the words again and again. "I'm not crazy and this is definitely fiction". I spoke to myself, tried to reassure myself. But my heart dropped to my feet at the very next line.

"Geminis exist as one because they feed on human blood..."

I had no time to react completely to what I had just read when there was a sudden knock I wasn't expecting. Rushing over to open, I almost couldn't believe my eyes. "Yoongi?"

He enveloped me into a tight hug for what seemed like an eternity.

"It's been two weeks!" I shouted into his ear as he slowly let go of me.

"I know, I'm sorry". He looked down.

"Sorry?" I raised an eyebrow.

"For what? Running off?!"

"It's not like that..YN..."

"Then what was it about huh? I thought you were mad at me for the...kiss and that you didn't want to be my friend anymore." I cried out, my tears following after.

"I can explain everything, you will understand but all I can say for now is that you need to stay away from Hoseok ok?"

I wiped my tears with the back of my hand in,
confusion. "What? Why?"

"Just trust me ok?"

"How can I trust you when you left me? You never even picked up my calls!"

"YN, if you would just let me explain..."

"What's that?" I pointed to his wrist. He had a mark...that looked like a tattoo of some kind.

"Nothing" He frantically pulled his long-sleeved shirt down to hide it. "Have you been doing something bad Yoongi?"

"No, YN...none of that. Please listen to me.."

He was interrupted by my phone ringing. I breathed out as I walked away from him back to the couch and grabbed my phone to answer.

"Hello, Jimin?"

Yoongi's ears perked at the name. His concern only growing more. His face grew grim.

He walked up to and grabbed my phone out my hands.

"What the hell Yoongi!"

He cut the call and throw it onto the sofa. "You need to stay away from Jungkook and his brothers."

I scoffed at his words. Clearly irritated by his actions. "You need to stay out of my way". I walked passed him but he grabbed my wrist, turning me round at lightning speed and holding me firmly by my shoulders to smash his lips against mine.

His kiss was rough and rushed. Not as gentle as it was last time. He felt like a stranger.

I pushed him away with all my might and slapped him. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Tears filled my eyes as I ran up to my bedroom. "Get out!"

Yoongi watched me as I climbed up the stairs. He wiped his lips slowly. "I can't let them hurt you....ever".


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