CHAPTER 67: Chola

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I try every fucking lifting spell I know and it still won't unmask the house. I groan angrily as I rummage through the drawers in the living room to find anything, magical objects, just something that I can channel my power through.

Without proper feeding, I can't do even the simplest of spells. I hear Seokjin coming downstairs and quicken my actions. Fuck! There is nothing. Namjoon you little bastard.

I turn around to find Seokjin anxiously waiting at the door to the kitchen that I was now in, watching me. "Namjoon?" I straighten up and try to appear calm. "Yes Jin?" I try to ignore the itch that is growing all over my body.

"I just wanted to m...make sure you were ok. You haven't been yourself, just tell me what is happening. I sense he starts to panick again but the itch keeps growing too. If I don't feed now, I won't be able to possess Namjoon anymore and I will slip away completely. "I love you Namjoon, please talk to-".

I walk closer to help and cast a spell on him before quickly sinking my teeth into his neck. I drink like there is no tomorrow. I need this, now. The itch will go away only if I take his blood. Aside from stopping the itch, I drink to gain strength and have a tighter grip on Namjoon. Now he won't be able to come out until I find a permanent solution.

I gasp out as I drink to my fill, already feeling the marvelous transformation that I needed. My spirit gaining better ground and power over Namjoon's body. Grabbing a napkin from the kitchen table and wiping the blood off Seokjin's neck, I look at his dazed form, unmoving and completely under my spell.

"I'm sorry Jin, I had to take from you. That bastard left me no choice but I don't mind drinking from you every now and then." He lifted the spell and Seokjin lost his memory of the event.

I lift the spell from the house and carry Seokjin to lay in his bed. I grab some things and leave the house. A witch or warlock should be good enough to make me stay permanently. I must find one quickly.

I look at some notes Namjoon used to write, well his diary actually. He had sealed it with a spell which I broke easily now that I was a little stronger and had fed. "Jung Hoseok? Min Yoongi?" I narrow my eyes at the names. "They must have what I need".

I must be aware of hunters though, I may have been dead a decade but Geminis must surely still be hunted. I quietly slip into a small bar down an alley, if I have to find these men then a bar is the best place to start.

I grab a high chair and order a beer. I hate the taste, but I have to pose for the moment. "Namjoon?" I hear a voice and turn to my left. I mentally wince at the name but maybe this face has some use after all. My eyes roam over the figure that calls me, obviously signalling to them that I don't know who they are. "You don't know who I am?" He laughs and I look at him squarely. "Well, I thought a Gemini would recognise a-......." He stops to look at me still playing dumb, not on purpose though. "Ugh, I'm Hoseok, the guy who almost murdered your nephews in a sacrifice to get my family back, how come you don't remember?"

I smile internally at the convenient reveal but raise an eyebrow about how casual is about telling me this. Wouldn't I....wouldn't Namjoon have been against it and tried to murder this dude. "So you are a hunter?" I ask him, keeping my thoughts to myself. He scoffs at my 'late realisation of who he is'. "Ofcourse I am, well...I was. I don't have that power anymore".

"Why not?" I start to play dumb to get some information out of him.

"Well even though hunters do not have any supernatural powers, we rely on information. We use information to get what we want. Knowing someone's greatest weakness and using it against them. But all that blew up in my face because I raised someone from the dead that didn't even want me". He says and my interest peaks.

"It's not your fault", I say. Testing the waters to see his reaction. I figured if I stay 'open' to hear what he has to say, he may lead me right to the source I need to fix my problem.

His head snaps back at me with an unbelievable expression gracing his face. "You don't hate me?"

"Why should I at this point? You wanted to see a loved one again, who am I to judge?" My own words hit home as I realise my own desire to see Jin again. I remembered the moment Namjoon summoned my Spirit back into my body to save his life but I took more...and when I finally laid my eyes on Jin, in the flesh....I wanted more. I wasn't ok with staying dead.

I want Jin and I want him to want me but he has to let go of Namjoon and I know just the thing to tell him. He has to know, who Namjoon truly is on the inside. He will run straight into my arms once he finds out what a monster my brother is. My thoughts interrupted when this 'Hoseok' character pours a drink for me that I did not ask for. "Who did you wake from the dead?" I ask casually.

"Nobody important, not to me anymore mother". He reveals. "And it was the dumbest mistake I made, should have let that woman stay in the grave".

"Why the change of heart?"

"Because she left me to become a witch".

Now my interest peaks to the maximum setting. "A witch you say?"

"Yeah, pretty amazing right?"

"More than amazing that the first person I stumble across after weeks stuck in that house is the son of a witch". I grin to myself.

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing, don't mind me". I must speak to this witch, maybe she can give me what I want. "She can't be that bad, I'm sure she had her reasons and may have otherwise changed. I would love to meet her". I try to keep the moment light. Hoseok looks at me wierd but doesn't immediately suspect anything. Plan B will be to cast a spell on him to lead me to her in case he resists.

"Yeah no I don't think so, she is crazy I tell you. Acts nothing like a mother". He sips some more beer and finally stands up to leave when I grab is wrist, he looks at me questionably but I ignore it and cast a spell on him to take me to her right this instant. I don't have much time before the blood I had wears off. I'm still a Spirit occupying my brother's body so taking will need to be frequent to maintain my state.

He leads me out of the bar out to where I assume is his home. I can already feel it, a witch's energy and magic. Just what I need to stay permanently.

I follow his dazed form as he opens the door and leads right inside the house. I decide to lift the spell right at that moment and he gasps out, confused at his suddenly new location. "Wait, what happened? How am I here?" He looks at me and I shrug. My head snapping once I feel her presence get closer, her eyes widen once her gaze rests on me. "N...N...Namjoon?" She swallows hard and I get confused. She knows me? Knows Namjoon?

"This is impossible........", she breathes as she tries to maintain her posture. "How are you alive?" She asks and I raise my eyebrows. "Do you know me?" Hoseok looks on suspiciously between the two of us. Not liking where this is going.

"Yes, yes I do. I am your Spiritual Protector".



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