CHAPTER 51: Drown Your Sorrows

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The bartender shook his head as he poured another drink for Yoongi. He had been in the bar for close to five hours and each minute ticking by was an eternity.

Six empty bottles before him and he still ordered more. He was far from done. Every sip seared at his throat and burned. But the pain was nothing compared to what had just happened a few hours ago.

Unbeknownst to him, another figure stumbled by his side and sat down. Grabbing the very shot that Yoongi was about to take out of his hand.

Yoongi made a mental note to instantly kill whatever bastard dared to interrupt him but stopped when he realized, as he turned his head, that it was Hoseok.

"I never should have done it." Hoseok began to speak as he gulped down the hot liquour even though it was cool to the touch.

"I didn't ask you anything asshole", Yoongi spoke as he grabbed the glass back from Hoseok.

"Then I will ask you......." Hoseok took another shot before conjuring up his question. "What happened when I blacked out?"

"I don't know snowflake, I'm not your mother", Yoongi snapped back. He was beyond irritated. He just wanted to be left alone but Hoseok egged on.

"Look, I know you and I aren't necessarily the best of friends, we never were but we both need to discuss what happened after the spell. And it's taking every fibre in me to not fuck you over because of how rude you are being right now".

Yoongi abruptly stood up. He had had enough. He began to walk away but Hoseok grabbed his shirt and pulled him back to face him, only to receive a punch to his face.

He stumbled to the floor while rubbing his jaw to ease off the pain. Yoongi got on top of him and started delivering punch after punch.

A bloody faced Hoseok began to laugh with every punch he received. Yoongi finally grabbed his collar with his bloody knuckles and yelled into his face.

"If you want to stay alive even for another minute, you will wise to leave me the fuck alone". This only made Hoseok burst out even in more hysterical laughter. Yoongi had it up to here. He was ready to do anything to this lowlife before him.

But some hands from behind grabbed his shoulders. "What do you think you are doing?! Leave him alone!" Yoongi was yanked off Hoseok swiftly with almost no real human contact. He fell to the floor and tried to get up but couldn't. This confused him.

He looked around to check for any man that dared to meddle in his affairs but he did not expect a woman to be leaning by Hoseok's side, lifting his head off the floor.

Yoongi had never seen this woman before. But he didn't care, how dare she interrupt him in his business. When he felt her attention wasn't on him, he lounged at her but she held out her hand and created a force field that pushed Yoongi far back, causing him to hit into the wall and falling down to the floor along with some bricks.

The people in the bar looked at the commotion and scampered out of the bar fearing for their lives. The bartender cowered behind the counter.

Hoseok looked up. His bloody gaze meeting his mother's face. He choked out a laugh while h ettempted to stand back up.

"You know Yoongi, you and I are both pathetic. We do so much to be with the people we love and they pay us nothing but dust."

Hoseok's mother gazed at him with furrowed brows. Her focus turning away from Yoongi.

"Who are fuck are you and how did you pin me down? I can't move!"

"Yoongi, meet my mother Dami."

"The bitch you wanted to raise from the dead?"

"Careful Yoongi, she threw away her own son. You don't stand a chance if you piss her off". Hoseok cautioned him.

"Stay away from my son". Dami spoke as she looked down at Yoongi.

Hoseok thought his ears had drowned into his head. His eyes widened at the sudden words. He must have heard wrong.

Dami walked over to Hoseok and touched his cheek. "Does it hurt?"

Hoseok looked at her incredulously. He must be dreaming. Why was she suddenly acting so.... motherly?

"I'm fine." Hoseok dropped his gaze and looked away. He didn't want to fall for whatever this was.

Dami turned towards Yoongi and lifted the spell off of him.

"Don't you dare touch him again". She warned.

"Hoseok, let's go." She left the bar with a very hesitant Hoseok following behind her.

Yoongi took a deep breath a d sat back down thinking to himself. How was she able to do that?

"Only a witch could, -" Yoongi abruptly stopped to speak.

"I raised a witch back from the dead?"

"Is that why I lost my power?"

But the biggest question that bugged him is what happened right before he lost consciousness and he was going to find out no matter what.

"I may not be a warlock now but I will find out what happened for sure, with or without magic".



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