CHAPTER 31: Bound

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Namjoon shut the door hard on them. He already had Jungkook falling ill to deal with and now unwanted strangers.

"How the hell did a blood warlock find us?"

"A what?" Namjoon heard Jimin ask as he came downstairs to get down more water for his ailing brother.

"Nothing, just some strangers got the wrong address."

We have to move.

Namjoon thought to himself as he walked past a confused Jimin.

"What the hell was that?!" Hoseok yelled at Yoongi who dragged both him and Jin out into a nearby quiet early not far from the house.

"We almost had them!" Hoseok continued his rant.

"I was doing a reading you dumbfuck". Yoongi's irritability was through the roof. He had just about close to zero percent patience with Hoseok.

"Huh?" Hoseok looked dumbfounded.

"You should know by now that witches and warlocks have to do a reading before we act because we don't know how much power we need or what kind of spell to use until we read". Yoongi maintained a straight face but still irritated.

"A....and?" Hoseok urged on.

"Whoever that guy is, he is the one who set the spell. I touched his arm and read him. He definitely set the spell".

Seokjin's eyes grew wide but he remained silent. He focussed particularly nowhere with furrowed eyebrows.

"I just don't get how he can set a spell when he is not a warlock". Yoongi pondered as he spoke and in the corner of his eye, he saw what looked like my figure run right past the alley. He wanted it to be a dream, as only one house exists at the end of the road and he hoped it wasn't me.

He would check......just to put his heart at ease. It's not you YN right?

I frantically ran the front door and knocked impatiently, bending down slightly to catch my breath.

Jimin opened the door and I ran into his arms, hugging him tightly. "YN?" He sounded confused as he slowly wrapped his arms around.

I breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm glad you're ok".

"YN, what are you talking about?" He could hear me sniff and pulled us apart. "Hey, look at me. See? I'm fine, I'm not hurt". He was holding my head in place with both his hands. "I don't know what lie you were told but-"

I kissed him.

A tear fell from one eye and he wiped it when he felt it flow against his own cheek as he kissed me back.


I felt my blood boil, seeing them together....seeing her sharing with him what she could have shared with me.

My heart cracked all over, I'm not sure how it was still beating. I watched from across the street. I wanted to get closer and tear him away from her....the woman I always loved.

I stepped forward but stopped, realizing the one of the twins was already before me. Maybe I can get one now and get the other later.

A little experiment, that's all it is.

Yoongi decided to be bold enough to do something he had not prepared for. As much as he is meticulous, even with a door, he didn't care in this moment. Rage drove him.

He wanted Jimin to suffer first, for taking what belonged to him. He raised his arm and made a come hether motion with two fingers.

Jimin broke our kiss abruptly, confusing me in the process. He suddenly knelt down in pain coughing up blood.

"Jimin!" I knelt down beside him. "What's wrong?!"

He couldn't speak, just kept on coughing up more blood and choking on it. I called out to his Uncle in the house.

Yoongi smirked at Jimin's suffering....he wanted to take out all his anger on him. His smirk faded when he saw my body hit the doorstep.

I felt my insides turn. Sending a gush of blood out my mouth. I began to cough as aggressively as Jimin. Yoongi swallowed and run forward towards me. He stopped when Namjoon opened the door and definitely shocked at the sight before him.

Yoongi quickly realized he was hurting me. He frantically stopped the spell and looked on to see if I was ok.

Taehyung run out to Namjoon's call and both helped Jimin and I into the house.

Yoongi cursed at himself and walked back into the alley, finding it empty. Grabbing a huge tock and smashing it against an old, rusted car, breaking its windshield. He rubbed his head to the point of pulling out his own hair. "The fuck have I done?!"

He wasn't going anywhere until he was sure I was fine. He walked back and forth in the alley. Stopping in his tracks. "Why did YN get hurt when I hurt Jimin?". He turned his head to the side. "Unless........"

He ran out the alley but stopped when he heard a familiar voice.

He ran out the alley but stopped when he heard a familiar voice

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