CHAPTER 55: What Happens To One Happens To All

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Jungkook yelled at us to get ready for school. Yanking the blanket off of me and Tae as we shivered from the morning chill.

"One more minute". I groggily suggested while Taehyung remained deep in his sleep.

"School can wait". I put the pillow above my head to block out whatever curses came out of our dongsaeng's mouth.

That minute didn't last long before he threatened to pour a bucket of ice on us.

The mornings were always lazy and easy going but Kookie kept us rushing and running around for literally nothing. It was school, no big deal.

"We need to leave", he grabbed both our wrists and rushed out the door.

"I'm not about to miss my first day of classes because of you two". He walked backwards ahead of us. Facing us as he spoke. "Lazy duo", he chimed in once more.

Both Taehyung and I laughed at our adorable dongsaeng. Always the one responsible and protective of us. The three of us laughing at each other for no apparent reason.

His smile as he kept walking backwards never faded. "Come get me after class ok?"  We nodded and went to our separate classes.

And four hours later, the bell rang. I beckoned Taehyung to follow me to get Kookie from his class.

The school corridor got less and less busy, got more and more quieter as we approached his class.

I pushed the door to his class and as if in slow motion, life flashed before my eyes. That beautiful image of kookie smiling suddenly turning to black, cold death.

My smile drained from my face. Replaced by hurt and an indescribable pain. My mind was screaming and cracking through my skull.

I woke up in cold sweat. A deep breath couldn't recover my lack of oxygen. Not even close to compensating how much air I was devoid of.

It was a dream

Thank goodness it was a dream


I tried to bring my hands up to my face but stop in my tracks to see blood on my hands.


He heard a voice come from the foot of the bed. He looked up and his eyes widened.

"Help me....."

He was covered in blood.

"Kookie?" Jimin jerked his body off the bed.

"Please........ " Jungkook's voice started to fade as well as his image.

"No, wait..... Don't go!" Jimin frantically ran to the foot of the bed.

"Come back please!" Jimin fell to his knees. He was shaking uncontrollably.

"I'll do anything, just please....Jungkook.... " He felt his vision gradually darken until he passed out.

Taehyung's eyes snapped open as he felt a cold sweat break throughout his body. His last memory of holding a knife and running towards Jimin flashes in his mind. "Jimin... " he breathed as he tried to get up and then felt the pain in his stomach.

He looked down and pushed the covers back, revealing his bandaged midriff area. His eyes flickered back and forth to attempt to remember what happened.

He clearly remembered wanting to kill Jimin but this? What's this?

He stepped out of the bed. His warm feet touching the cold surface of the floor. He tried to walk but fell onto the floor. He was weak, very weak.

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