CHAPTER 50: The Gathering

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Yoongi literally gasped into consciousness. He breathed in heavily with eyes wide. Confused as to where he was. He doesn't remember what happened before he blacked out. 

"You are awake", said an elderly voice. Yoongi looked up, surprised to find the elders and leaders of the coven gathered around him. The head of the coven, Heechul, was the first to speak. 

"Where am I?"

Heechul scoffed, "We found you unconscious and brought you here. Care to tell us why you performed the spell you did?" Heechul looked at Yoongi squarely.

"I did it to protect YN. If not I, then that hunter would have used her as a blood witch to perform the spell." Yoongi complied and answered with nothing but the truth. He was before the entire coven, if he answered falsely, they were going to perform a spell to get the truth out of him regardless.

"Hunter?" Heechul's brows furrowed. "Yoongi you know witches and warlocks are to stay clear of hunters. They are the ones that murdered our kind or used us for unholy spells."

"I know Master, I tried to avoid the situation to getting to where it did. I....I even gave YN a bracelet when she turned 18 because I know she would start to change and wouldn't know what's going on with her, that would have made her an easy target". Yoongi hoped this explanation could help them see why he had no choice but to perform the spell. He still frowned his brows. "But I dont know how her witch side was no longer suppressed because-"

"Do you even know what you have done?" Heechul was starting to raise his voice. He cut off Yoongi's sentence midway. All he felt Yoongi was doing is giving him excuses for performing the kind of spell he did.

"Gemini Twins.........there is a reason they are hidden and a reason they should never be used in a sacrifice."

"But they were a necessary ingredient, the hunter threatened to hurt YN." Yoongi countered.

"You went against the rules!" Heechul's voice now above what would be considered normal decibel range. "You fool! In killing the Gemini Twins, you brought into this world a creature that must stay dead!"

"What creature? I'm a warlock, I should have known what I am doing and I certainly did not bring anyone dangerous back from the dead".

"You think?" Heechul stepped closer to Yoongi. He had struggled to get up to his feet when he had just gain consciousness. He felt extremely weak.....weaker than anyone should usually be.

"How naive of you to think that the entire coven would gather around you if you haven't done anything wrong."

Heechul walked around Yoongi. "After this incident, you cannot be trusted. We will send another, this time a witch to undo what you have done. Siyeon will take it up from here".

"I'm sorry Master, but please let me fix it, I will put her right back in the grave".

"How will you do that if you no longer a warlock?" Heechul cocked his head to the left....viewing Yoongi's face at a different angle.

Yoongi felt his face drain of blood. Growing more and more pale as each world Heechul said sank into his mind. "W...w...what? I....I'm-"

"Just human now". Heechul finished the sentence for Yoongi. Though, its not an ending Yoongi would have wished to hear. Yoongi gasped and lost strength in his legs, falling to his knees. " did this happen?" Yoongi's voice was now shaky.

Heechul raised his brows. "We found you that way." Heechul leaned down and placed his fingers underneath Yoongi's chin to lift his head up to face him. "The moment you lost your power as a blood warlock, the entire coven felt it. I'm disappointed in you Yoongi, after we granted your wish and performed a spell to change you from an earth warlock to a blood go ahead and not only perform such an unholy spell...but do it for some girl."

Heechul clicked his tongue. He wasn't going to afford Yoongi any fake pity. He rose up and signalled to the other coven members that the gathering was over.

They had found the reason why the was a large sense of distraught among the coven members and sought solutions to fix it. Yoongi on the other hand......

"You must face the consequences of your actions, Yoongi. This is your last meeting with the coven, you can no longer gather with us."

Those words seemed to get Yoongi out of his confusing thoughts. "No! Please Master, I'll do anything to regain my place with the coven. Just don't throw me away please!" Yoongi crawled on his knees and grabbed the black cloak that Heechul wore. 

"I'm sorry, Yoongi. You are no longer one of us". Heechul emphasised what he said.

Yoongi held on even tighter to Heechul's cloak, refusing to let go. Heechul bopped his head over to the side and witches of a lower rank came behind Yoongi to pry him off of Heechul's cloak. 

"Master, Please! I swear I won't ever go against the rules again!"

"It's too late, Yoongi". Heechul sighed. He turned towards Siyeon and motioned for her to come closer. "Once you undo the spell, I want to do one more thing for me.....bring this YN that Yoongi speaks of to me". Siyeon nodded and walked past a sobbing Yoongi. 

Yoongi heard that and tried to protest. "Master, she has nothing to do with this spell. It was all my fault!" Heechul threw him an apologetic look because Yoongi couldn't accept reality. "This gathering is over", Heechul announced before tapping his walking stick 3 times on the hard floor, causing all the entire coven members to disappear.

"No!" Yoongi screamed and looked around frantically. He tried to chant a spell to follow them but the words had no effect, not anymore. He tried every spell he could think off that came to his mind and still.......nothing.

He fell further onto the floor. His head hitting the floor and tears rolling down his face and hitting the floor.

How did it all come to this?


Its the 50th Chapter! Wow....its literally been a long minute since a posted an author's note.

I feel weird writing one after so long cause I focused a lot on just getting chapters out.

I swear this plot has had to be the most complicated to conjure up and write about. Im not even close to the ending lmao. But I hope the book is worth a read so far.

Thanks and love you all!

Thanks and love you all!

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