CHAPTER 9: What are You?

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I sipped my coffee as I browsed through the pages looking for a topic to settle on.

My eyes caught an interesting paragraph that gave a brief history of mystical creatures. It had a number listed. Witches, warlocks, werewolves, vampires, the usual cliche stuff.

But my eyes narrowed at a classification I have never heard of.......Gemini Twins.

"Gemini Twins?" I asked myself.

"What kind of mystical creatures are those?" I turned the page, hopping to find something more and.....nothing. Not in the chapter, or content list or appendix.

Opening my PC, I went online and typed it in.


I changed the search words


I narrowed my eyes. "Whats honestly the use of mentioning something in a book that cant be found online?" I sighed.

I was honestly intrigued and hoped I would cover a unique subject. I sighed again and walked back to school to see Hoseok. He seems to have the answer to everything.


"Oh YN! What are you doing here? It's almost 5pm though. The library is closed".

"I...uh....have a question. It can't wait."

"Sure, I'm headed over to the cafe across before I go home. Care to join? I can answer your question there".

"Fine by me". I was willing, if it meant getting answers.

He ordered an Americano for himself and a Hazelnut Latte for me. "Tell me, whats your question?"

"I was doing some reading this afternoon after class at my house and I decided I would present on mystical creatures......Gemini Twins to be exact.

Hoseok chocked on his Americano. Coughing violently at the liquid's invasion into his windpipe. His eyes tightly shut.

"Hey are you ok?" Immediately concerned, as I handed him some paper towels and a bottle of water that I had in my bag. I always carried water with me.

He calmed down after a few minutes. Breathing deeply to regain his composure. He opened his eyes slowly. A few moments passed before he asked:

"What warrants this sudden curiosity?" His eyes narrowing at me.

"I have actually never heard of Gemini Twins, that's why I came to ask if you know about them."

Hoseok shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He looked at me squarely before briefly looking around for anyone within earshot.

"I can answer your question but only if you agree to come to my house tonight".

I felt a little uneasy but nodded nevertheless. Eager but at the same time curious of Hoseok's change in aura.

"We can leave now if you are ready". He spoke as he rang the little bell by the table for the bill.


Hoseok switched on the lights to his living room as he ushered me in. He was really clean, I almost felt guilty for touching his squeaky clean mahogany wooden chair.

But what was more fascinating was when he lead me down to his basement full of artifacts and 3 full bookshelves. "Wow, its a whole museum in here!" I said. "These artifacts are beautiful".

He chuckled at my remark. "I got these from African traders across the continent. I have voodoo dolls, charm bracelets, enchanted candles and a few other stuff. I use them for my research and other work".

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