CHAPTER 46: Family Feud

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Seokjin tried his best to comfort the Twins after he helped them move Jungkook's body to the bed. He tried his best to leave them alone but simply watch over them in case of anything.

Either Twin sat on either side of the bed, both silently grieving. 
Seokjin received a call. Checking to see the caller ID as Namjoon, he silently breathed a sigh of relief as a stepped out of the room to take the call. "Hey is everything ok?" He spoke carefully not to let the Twins hear him.

"Yes, it was just a little matter I had to attend to. I'm headed back, has anything-"

Seokjin never heard the rest of Namjoon's sentence as he heard a screeching sound come from inside the room. His heart definitely jumped and he yelped from the sudden noise.

"Seokjin?" He heard Namjoon speak on the other end of the line. "What's going on?!"

Seokjin was so out of it, he slowly trekked back to the room.....not hearing a single word Namjoon said after the screeching sound resonated through the hall.

"Jimin?.....Taehyung?" Seokjin shakily spoke as he drew closer and closer to the door. 

"Seokjin, don't move. I'll be right there!" Namjoon shouted through the phone. He was definitely panicking, he didn't know what to expect when he got there. 

Seokjin dropped the phone at the entrance to the room when his eyes rested on the site he least expected to see. Taehyung on top of Jimin, strangling the life out of him as he growled deeply. His growl convinced Seokjin that he would go deaf.

"Taehyung!" Seokjin called but the Twins were in their own zone, not noticing Seokjin coming in.
"I will kill you! It's your fault Jungkook is dead!" Taehyung barked at Jimin who struggled to claw Taehyung's hands off his neck. "If you had just listened to me, Jungkook would still be alive!" Taehyung's eyes were already glowing a vibrant purple, even though they were glassy with tears. 

Seokjin lunged forward and tried to pry Taehyung off of Jimin.
Wrong move

Taehyung turned around and smacked Seokjin who immediately became unconscious, his face bleeding with the nail marks Taehyung left in his trail. He turned back to a coughing Jimin. "I will never forgive you for this".

He growled lowly, getting off Jimin and picking up Jungkook's body into his arms and going to his room. 
He carefully placed him on his bed, tacked him into the sheets and joined him. Slowly wrapped his arms around Jungkook. "It's the room that's cold, not you Jungkook....not you". His tears put him to sleep.

Jimin weakly shifted over to an unconscious Seokjin. Tried to shake him awake but to no avail. Just then, he heard footsteps running upstairs towards them. He felt relief when he realised it was his uncle. 


Namjoon ran over and took him into his arms, trying to shake him awake. "What the hell happened here?!" 

Jimin tried to sit up as he explained the best he could. "Tae got mad at me and he......he hurt Jin hyung in the process when he tried to get Tae off of me". Jimin looked down apologetically. "I'm sorry uncle, its all my fault". 

Namjoon's eyes glowed green at the revelation......definitely enraged and in disbelief at what he just heard. He temporarily snapped out of his rage when he heard a weak voice from under him call out his name. "Namjoon?"

"Seokjin! Are you ok?" He pulled him up slightly to examine him. One side of his face was bloody with four nail marks that show his flesh had been ripped into. "I swear, I will-"

"No, please" Jimin cut Namjoon's trail of thought. "I'm so sorry for what happened to Jin hyung, Taehyung is just hurt about Jungkook......I am hurt too but not like Taehyung....he lost himself for a moment". Jimin tried to speak as firmly as he could manage. "This is between me and him, I promise I will make it right". He pleaded with his uncle and hoped he would at least let him fix the situation.

"But still he hurt Seokjin!" Namjoon shouted.

"Namjoon, hey....its ok.....I'm ok....he's your nephew". Seokjin winced in pain as he spoke because the action stretched the skin on his cheek. "Don't speak", Namjoon demanded. "I need to dress your wound". He softly spoke to Seokjin.

"And you...." he turned towards Jimin, his voice becoming firm in a millisecond......"leave us". 


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