CHAPTER 14: Time Lapse

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Hoseok sighed again at his question.

"Was it you?"

"Come one now, now why would I do that?"

"I don't know......lure something or someone out". Seokjin said.

"Jin, you know if I wanted to find out where they are I wouldn't use this method."

"A dead body! Right on the middle of the street!" How on earth am I supposed to cover that up huh?"

"Jin......I already told wasn't me!" Hoseok had given up trying to convince Seokjin about the dead body.

"Then who could have done it?" Seokjin furrowed his brows.

"Whoever it is, they know what they are looking for in this town and they are announcing their presence by dumping the body right on the street." Hoseok said. "I will get to the bottom of this".

"No you stay put! Let the Sheriff handle this". Seokjin insisted. Flattening out his uniform as he prepared to leave Hoseok's house.

"And one more thing, you need to be patient".

Hoseok rolled his eyes. "I am"

"Sure you are", Seokjin said in a sarcastic tone.

He grabbed his keys to leave for the front door. Leaving Hoseok with a dark smirk on his face.


I had a raging headache. Not when I woke up but when I was way into third period in class. What the fuck.

I excused myself from class.

Water.......I needed water.

I stumbled into the vision slightly blurring. I shakily put in some coins into the vending machine which released 2 bottles of water.

I gulped them down fiercely and leaned my head against the wall breathing in deeply. Sliding down into a sitting position, I felt cheated when the water made it worse. It became a full blown migraine.

I stumbled up to my feet, quickly grabbing my phone and dialing Yoongi's went straight to voicemail.

Dialed my mother's number even though I knew she would be too busy to pick up....went straight to voicemail.

I decided on going home. Slowing walking down the hallway towards the entrance of the school.


Jungkook and his twin brothers were heading home. Heading towards the alley the usually passed through.

Jungkook was in such deep thought, he didn't realize he tripped and fell......

.........over my body.

The twins were behind him and only noticed him fall.

"YN?" Jungkook's fall snapped him out of his trance.

The twins couldn't believe it. "Did she pass out?" Taehyung asked while Jimin looked around to see any signs of what happened.

Jungkook lifted me slightly to check my body for any injuries. His hands lifted my long-sleeved shirt and found I was wearing my bracelet.

He took a mental note of that and continued to check for injuries. Jimin continued looking around and the corner of his eye caught a figure hiding behind the trees which quickly disappeared.

"She definitely passed out, we need to get her out of here". Jungkook said.


I woke up in my bed. It was 9PM. My brows furrowed at the time lapse.

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