CHAPTER 13: Sleep Walk

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It was just over past 10PM, I diligently prepared my bed to sleep. I crept in, slightly feeling confused at what that kiss was. I barely knew Jimin so why? The time factor discontinued my thoughts as I shut my eyes to rest for the next school day.


I woke up just after 3am.

A sweet scent had filled my nostrils as I lifted my covers and set them aside.

Placing my feet on the floor, I got up and walked out of my room....heading towards the front door.

My white night gown was met by a strong wind as I opened the door.

Walking out barefooted, I was on the middle of the road.....walking...and walking

The sweet scent got stronger with each step I took.

And there it was.......the source of the sweet scent I loved so much

I stood before the door that was a barrier between me and that scent.

My eyes were shut the entire time, walking forward towards the door and bumping my head into it. I stood there, my body lunging forward involuntarily.....bumping my forehead into the door again and again.


Jungkook and the twins all woke up to the unexpected noise downstairs. Jungkook immediately rushing to the twins to make sure they were ok.

"What's going on?" Taehyung whispered.

"Someone's at the door". Jungkook answered.

"At this hour?" Jimin said rubbing his eyes.

They were all a little freaked out but Jungkook needed to get to the bottom of this. He tip-toed towards the main window close to the front door. Taking a peep his eyes widened at what he saw.

He heard the twins come down the stairs to join him. Jungkook immediately unlocked the door much to the twins' surprise. He gently opened the door and gently caught my forehead with his left palm.

The twins' eyes widened. "YN?" They said in unison and looked at each other. Jimin rushed over followed by Taehyung quietly studying my state.

Jungkook picked me up and carried me in his arms....lifting my feet off the floor and placing me on the couch.

"How the hell did she get here?" Taehyung looked at my frame intently.

"And is she asleep?" Taehyung added.

Jungkook nodded. "She definitely sleep walked here".

Jimin was just as shocked as Taehyung at Jungkook's conclusion.

"But what's even more confusing is why she kept banging her head into our door non-stop." Jungkook said as he touched my slightly swelled up forehead.

"I'll go get some ice". Jimin said. Leaving for the kitchen.

Jungkook made sure to check that I had no fever or any noticeable illness.

"Jungkook........I have a bad feeling about this". Taehyung spoke up.

"Hey," Jungkook stood up from my side and held Taehyung's hands. "Listen to me, we will get to the bottom of this ok?"

"Someone must know who we are and-"

"Shh" Jungkook gently silenced his brother. "Trust me". He said and Taehyung nodded.

Jungkook now had a shit ton of stuff to investigate. He knew for a fact that I had this energy that made me the perfect feed...but at the same time, he was so confused at the sudden plot twist.

Why did YN come here?

Why sleep walk all the way here?

At 3am?

His thoughts were turning like a wheel going down a hill. For now, he wanted to solve the problem at hand. Because I was clearly not conscious.

Jimin brought some ice which Jungkook immediately placed on my forehead to bring down the swelling.

"Should I take her home again?" Jungkook asked his twin brothers.

"What if she comes back?" Jimin asked. But Jungkook was more worried about what excuse to give me if I woke up in a bed thats not mine in a house filled with 3 grown guys.

"I have to take her back. She wont understand how she ended up here...waking up in a bed other than her own in a house filled with 3 grown guys". Jungkook said his exact thoughts.

His twin brothers nodded in agreement. "Take her home" Taehyung said.

Jungkook nodded and lifted me hooking his arm under my knees and his other arm around my upper back. Carrying me to the car and driving off.

He was shocked to find my front door wide open.

Right..........she was sleep walking. He thought to himself.

Jungkook carefully took me into the house and closed the door behind him. He looked for my bedroom and I was in his arms the entire time.......sleeping soundly.

He found my bedroom and gently placed me on the bed. I squirmed slightly and mumbled incoherent words. Jungkook made sure to check that my forehead had reduced in size.

He froze at the words that came out of my mouth next.

"You are Chola"

He pulled his hand away slightly. Eyebrows furrowing and the clear yet confusing declaration.


Jungkook looked at my sleeping frame continuously to catch any more hints. I said nothing more.

He looked at his wrist watch.......4am.

Sighing and getting up from my bed, he noticed I was wearing a bracelet. He tried to take it off. Touching my wrist to unhook it, he felt a surge of energy and pulled away immediately.

It didn't hurt him in anyway. But the energy that came from it gave him a bad feeling. He stood up once again and gave me one last look before heading out my bedroom and down to the front door.



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