CHAPTER 24: Morning After

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My eyes opened slowly as the sunlight filled my room. I squinted at the bright light and sat up, rubbing my eyes lazily.

I looked around casually as the blanket rolled off my upper body.

Then I remembered..........last night.

I looked down at my body. My eyes widening when I saw I was completely naked........and alone in bed.

"Jimin?" I called out to him, thinking he was in the bathroom. I walked over with a sheet covering my body. No one was there.

I heard my phone buzz and I received a text. "I'm sorry for leaving, a family matter came up. See you tonight?"

Part of me was disappointed that after what we did last night, he wasn't here to say good morning to me in person. But......and a big but......I cant remember exactly what happened. I know we had sex for sure judging by my current state but I cant remember the whole process. I almost entertained the idea that.....Jimin could have.......

"YN, don't think like that. He can never touch you without consent". I spoke to myself. As soon as those words slipped my mouth, I began to panic.

I checked my body for any bruises and found nothing....nothing at all. A sigh of relief escaped my lips and my mindset shifted towards preparing for class. I would still need to talk to Jimin after.


"Why have you called me here Sheriff? Is there something I did?" Yoongi looked up at Seokjin as he briefly did some paperwork before looking up at Yoongi. His eyes moved passed Yoongi to look towards the door. Yoongi's eyes followed his and turned his head to see Hoseok standing by the door.

His expression grimaced. "What the hell is this about?"

"Oh come on Yoongi, join us. It will be fun." Hoseok had a playful smile.

"I have no interest in doing anything for any of you". Yoongi folded his arms in defiance.

"Even if it involves YN?" Seokjin asked.
"You can tell her what I did to become a warlock, I don't care". Yoongi remembered our fight. He slightly frowned at the thought.

"Tsk, really have no idea who you are dealing with Yoongi." Hoseok's facial expression darkened but another small smile crept up on his face. "You see, if you are not willing to become our ally and give us what we want then we may have to get it from YN."

Yoongi looked up at Hoseok enraged. "YN has nothing you need, keep her out of this. What do you even mean by that?"

Hoseok walked to stand in front of chair Yoongi sat in. He bent down and whispered into his ear. "I know that YN is a blood witch".

Yoongi's breath got caught in his throat. Eyes darting back and forth, thinking of how Hoseok could have possibly found out.

"And........if you don't want to help us find the Gemini Twins then I'm pretty sure she will do it for us".

"No! Don't involve her! She doesn't need to know any of this." Yoongi panicked...he hated the idea of me ever finding out what I actually am.

"Then be a good boy and lead us to the Gemini Twins. We know they are in this town somewhere". Hoseok never took his eyes from Yoongi's face.

"I need time....a spell to locate them will take time".

"Good, then tell us what you need for it and we can find it all for the spell." Seokjin said.


The grave silence could be cut with a knife as the four men sat at the table. Namjoon had insisted that the past few days were too tense between the twins and this was emotionally and physically draining Jungkook who would often be in bed at awkward hours of the day because of that.

He still needed to figure out why both his brothers had changed so much. This stressed him out more than he wanted it to.

Taehyung constantly smirked every time Jimin threw a glance at him. Jimin had hoped that Taehyung would finally tell him what the first fight was about.

After enough taunting looks from Taehyung, Jimin smashed his chopsticks hard on the table and looked opposite towards Taehyung who gave him a huge smirk and an eye wink. This grabbed Namjoon and Jungkook's attention.

"Jimin what -" Namjoon was cut short when Jimin stood up, roughly pushing his chair away from the table.

"Tae, you need to stop playing these annoying games and tell me exactly why you are mad at me for. It's been two weeks!!!"

"I'm not mad at you at all". Taehyung leaned back into his chair and folded his forearms.

"Lies! You are such a liar Tae! Just who are you huh? I don't know you anymore!"

"I don't need to explain myself to you, Jimin so just drop it already." Taehyung stood up to leave the table but Jungkook grabbed his wrist. His eyes desperately searching Taehyung's. "Please Taehyung, just tell us what is going know you have us right?"

Taehyung flipped his hand the opposite direction out of Jungkook's grasp. "I don't need to talk to you either. You should just stick to your job and figure out a way of merging us again. That's what you are good for anyway".

Job? Jungkook felt his heart crack. Who was this Taehyung?



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