CHAPTER 65: Stop Fighting Me

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I wait until YN is asleep before asking Taehyung to step out with me to speak in private while the medic attended to her. "We need to talk". Taehyung followed me to a more secluded part of the house. An old room with old and rusted things that we never bothered to touch up. He folds his arms as he waits for me to start. "I know you hate me right now and-"

"I don't", Taehyung cuts him mid-sentence.

"That's not what you looked like a few days ago." I counter.

"That was before, this is now". He insists.

"Why, what has changed?" I need to know as I wait for his answer. He hesitates a little before looking back into my eyes.

"You know what has changed, Jimin but you won't accept it". He folds his hands in front of his chest.

"Tae, please. Let's not play these games anymore. I am willing to talk to you and put the past behind us".

"Are you really willing though?"

"What is that supposed to mean Tae? I just said that I'm-"

"I love her Jimin, so deeply and you hate that I love her."

I am silenced immediately by his words. He hit me right where he needed to knock out the truth I had been hiding. Amidst everything that has happened, my brother, falling in love with the same woman as me.........I will admit, I do not like one bit.

"Wanna know what changed?" Taehyung walked closer to me until he was at arms length distance. "She called out to me, told me she loved me when I was right in her arms. I told you Jimin, I've been telling you from the very beginning."

"Fine, let's say you do love her.....what do you know about her? I was the one she was seeing."

"You still don't get it do you? Jimin, right when you began to get to know her, I was right there with you. We are Gemini Twins for pete's sake. I see what you see, I feel what you feel and that night, I felt everything that she did to you".

I start to pace around the room. I refuse to look him in the eye.

"But you don't know her".

"I do, Jimin, I do. Everything she ever said to you, she said to me too and she knows it too". Taehyung grabs my shoulders and stops me from pacing. "I know she keeps a diary, where she writes her darkest fears. She told you that one time she came over."

I lift my head up to look at him. He knows that?

"You must have overheard us speaking."

"Goddamnit Jimin! You know yet you still fight me." Taehyung lets go of my shoulders. He points to my lips. "I kissed YN today and I am sure you know it but since you want to play dumb all day, your lips show it all."

I touch my lips knowing very well he is right. He is right about it all but I refuse to accept the truth for some goddamn unknown reason.

"Let me tell you what you don't want to hear. You refuse to believe that YN can love two people at once. You are afraid, afraid the YN might just love me more than you. Something drew the both of us to her, you and I both know it and only when all of us come to terms with how we feel for each other can we actually be happy."

Taehyung takes a step back. "If you want to keep fighting me, just know that YN will keep getting hurt in the process and I won't ever forgive you if she miscarries the-"

Taehyung stops and I look at him, reacting to the sudden silence. "Jimin...." He tries to calm himself a little. "I think you and I need to put our differences aside right now because we need to find out who the father of the child is and stop her from hurting so much".

Taehyung walks out on me to go speak with the medic. I sink down to the floor and think about our conversation. Why am I fighting? Is it jealousy? Disbelief? Possessiveness? What is this? Whatever the hell this is, I need to get a fucking grip for YN's and the child's sake.


I walked into the room to find Taehyung talking to the medic. I could see a blood vile sitting in the medic's case. "She needs your blood too Jimin, we both have to take a DNA test."

I know what Taehyung is suggesting and I am frankly not ready to think it out loud but because the medic is already here, I comply.

"I will send you the DNA results by email in a few hours time." She packs up and leaves.

I stare at YN's sleeping form and then Taehyung. I say nothing.

"One of us could be the father, its only fair we find out for sure."

My gaze narrows at him. My mind is screaming that I'm obviously the father but doubt starts to plant its roots in me. I start to feel possessive.

"What if I'm the father and you are not?" I ask him.

"We don't know that for sure".

"Tae, I know what you are implying".

"Jimin, I'm not implying anything , we will know that in a few hours ok?"

"Will you let her go if I am the father?" I press on.

"I love her but that's up to her to decide." He gives me a forced smile before walking out of the room.



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