CHAPTER 61: Fighting For Control

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"I'm sorry Taehyung upset you", he spoke as he walked closer.

What? Taehyung upsetting me? This is all wrong.

"I need to speak with him", I tried to walk past him but he blocked my way. "YN, please understand that I am here to protect you, you are pregnant, I promise I will help you get whatever you need. But for now, don't upset yourself or stress yourself." He said.

"No, I need to talk to him now, to the both of them", I swallowed as I realised the last time I spoke to Jimin was the night Jungkook had died. I hadn't seen him since. I winced at how 'Namjoon' grabbed my forearm, quite roughly. I looked down to where he grabbed my arm and then to him, I looked into his eyes, they were glowing bright blue.........

and so were mine, a clear white. I could feel it. He was close to crossing the line. A part of me was screaming not to trust him. He didn't feel like the Twin's real uncle but I wasn't sure. He stepped even closer, a small smile on his face as he looked at me past my face down to my belly. His hand stretching out in an attempt to touch my belly, I grab it mid-way. "Ah, please don't take this the wrong way, I just wanted to make sure they are ok", he retracted his hand from my grasp.

"No one touches me without my permission." I speak firmly. "Ofcourse, I apologise." He replies. Smiling again for good measure.

"Please let me go", I asked one last time. He stepped back and apologised. "I'm sorry for alarming you. Let me know what I can do for you anytime". His eyes returned to a gentle brown and let my arm go. I walked past him, something was wrong, very wrong. But first, I needed to speak with the Twins.


That little witch. I watch as she leaves the room to find the Twins. I can't let them be together. I need those babies to make my stay here permanent.  I can feel my gaze at the now swinging door left by her darken more and more. When she carries to full term, they won't be in her arms much longer. I feel a smirk grow on my lips as I equally head downstairs.

I needed to get out of the house and find someone to eat. Without a Spiritual Protector or another Twin in the flesh, I must work extra hard to cast a spell on a potential victim. It is tough, thats why Gemini's always exist in pairs. We can't do it alone that easily. The power to wipe the victim's memory is greatly diminished too. I would be better off killing them after a feed. I need to be stronger first, to have more power over YN and the Twins. Jin is easily, I just have to pretend to be Namjoon. He is human after all, he wouldn't sense a thing.

I feel the urge to throw up with pain suddenly building up in my stomach and chest area. I rush over the last stair to the bathroom next to the living room. I make puking noises but nothing comes out. What is this? I look up at the one last mirror in the house showing Namjoon's face. "It's you, you are fighting back huh?" He laughs but it's cut short by another wave of pain deep in his stomach and chest area. I groan loudly. "You are not making easy for me are you?" He makes more puking sounds with nothing still coming out. "Wait till I make Jin mine with this body, you would hate to see that would you? Him submitting to me and not you. After all, he loved me first". He groans again even louder.

"Who loved who first?" Jin walks in and asks but is immediately shocked at the sight before him. "Namjoon? Are you ok?" He gasps as he watches me drop to my knees and start to shake. "Get me out of the house now, I need to feed", I gasp. He nods. "I will do anything to stop the pain". He lifts and puts one of my arms over his shoulders as he leads me to the main door.

He pushes through and steps through to the outside but.....

I can't get through. I groan, immediately understanding the situation. That fucker spelled the house and I am a stranger, the spell does not account for me so either I am stuck inside the house and can't get out or stuck outside the house and can't get in. "What is happening? Why can't you get through?" Jin panicks. I try to calm him down and try to find the best words to answer with without giving away my identity. "Jin, relax, it's just because the house is spelled so I can't get out", I keep breathing heavily. Namjoon is not letting me catch a break.

"But you were the one that cast the spell on it, how come you have no control over it now?" He asks.

"Because......" I try to think real quick and it comes to me. "Because I forgot the spell, to say it and cast it so it's working against me". I say this hoping he will buy it. " what do we do now?"

I bite my lip despite being in pain and ask him something that he might not agree to. "Can you bring a human here?" As soon as the question leaves my lips, he lets go of me. Did that fucker Namjoon never show him how he fed? Just great, rather than having an ally, I now have to deal with a moral idiot.

Speaking of feeding, mine and the Twin's bite mark on Jin's neck was covered very well by my little spell. He won't be able to see it at all and question it. I also took away his memory of that night. Never mind that right now, he is resisting helping me and this is not good.

Only a human can walk into this house because the spell protects only against immediate threats, which humans are not, at least not until they discover the existence of Gemini Twins or Witches or Warlocks or any of the supernatural. That and the fact that I need to drink from a human.

"I.....I can't do that Namjoon", he says and steps back further into the house. I wince at the name and still try to press on. "Did you never see me feed? or the Twins?" I ask him. He shakes his head. He knows creatures like us need to do it but he refuses to see it. "I have never seen a real feeding". He speaks with his head looking down at the floor. "Jin, I'm in pain. That's the only way I can get relief".

"I know", he says while refusing to look into my eyes. I can feel an irritation coming up from trying to get past his moral walls. "Jin, you know what type of creatures we are yet you are still here, you could have reported us or worse yet, had us killed by the society but you stayed because you love me", I like saying those words but my heart blackens when I realise I am still speaking as Namjoon.

"Just please, get me someone I can feed on", I try to speak again but another wave of pain hits me and I completely fall to the ground as I clutch my stomach and chest area tightly. This seems to bring him out of his moral resolve as he panicks and promises to go find someone and runs out the house quickly. I can see him disappear at the door. I don't know how much longer I can wait, my legs and arms start to feel numb and I black out.



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