CHAPTER 44: Mother

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Hoseok could have sworn he was hit by a truck. His whole body ached with the slightest movement. His eyes had slowly opened and scanned the room he woke up in....definitely not the hospital. Where was Yoongi?

He attempted to sit up and instantly regretted it. The door opened in time to reveal a woman walking through with a tray of food and water. Hoseok grunted in pain as he still attempted to sit up and get a clearer view of the lady in the dimly lit room. 

"Who are you?" Hoseok asked, carefully positioning himself as he noticed the lady set the tray by his bedside and sit on the bed right after. 

She looked intently at him and thought about his question. "I am the person you brought back to life".



"Mother!" Hoseok grabbed one of her hands with two of his own, gripping them tightly as if holding on for dear life. But the exciting reveal and overflow of emotions were not mutual.

The lady stared at him with a blank face as he kissed her hands and shared his warmth with her so sweetly like a son would. "I lost you when I was so young, I....."Hoseok tried to fight back tears. "I never really had a mother in my life and I just-"


Hoseok wanted to believe he heard wrong.

"You fool"

He heard it again and this time, he sure enough was not imagining things.

His hands began to shake and he suddenly flinched when the lady yanked her hand out of his, leaving him cold.

He suddenly felt small, he wanted to hide somewhere....anywhere. He dared to look up into her eyes. "M....mother?"

"You dare to bring me back to life...for what? To love you?" She let out a screeching laughter that almost rendered Hoseok deaf. It was a piercing and cold laughter.

"There is a reason I was dead, boy". She stood up from the bed.

"M...mother, please don't be like this...I.....I went through so much for so long to bring you back". Hoseok timidly spoke, hoping that this was still a dream. His own mother wouldn't reject him and abandon him right?


"Listen boy" She began.

That hurt........that really hurt. The woman who was supposed to be his mother spoke to him this the most non motherly fashion.

"You were really ballsy attempting to bring back a creature like me from the dead. Do you even realize what an imbalance that causes in the natural order of things?"

"I...I know....b...but you are my mother and-"

"Ha, sure I am your mother, I gave birth to you.....I will not deny that. But that doesn't mean you can make stupid decisions that disturb the order of nature!"

"Why!" Hoseok suddenly lashed out and abruptly standing up from the bed even though his body was screaming in pain. His sudden rage and hurt did not move the lady's stance or stature in the slightest, completely unaffected by the random bolt of rage.

"Why are you being so mean huh?! I'm your son and you were taken away from me by those stupid Gemini Twins!!!!"

"Tsk, tsk", she stepped forward and held up her hand to one of Hoseok's cheeks. A look of confusion appeared upon his face and tears threatened to flow. "You are sadly mistaken, they never took me away baby boy.....I left on my own will."

Hoseok could feel his blood run cold as an entire wave of new truth hits him like a tornado. " l...left?" He couldn't get the words out straight. The lady continued to caress his cheek and her hand was now receiving several tears that ran down her hand to her wrist and dropped to the floor.

"W...why?" He had to know, he needed to know. What would drive a mother to abandon her own son out of her own will?

She sighed. "There are things in this world that are better left unknown dear boy". With that said, she turned on her heel and left the room. Hoseok fell to the floor, felt no pain in his knees as he crashed them into the floor. He gasped because he didn't realize how long he had held his breath. 

Body shaking and weak, he leaned beside the bed and brought his knees to his chest. He cried silently, for the first time in 15 years he cried so heavily that he didn't know he fell asleep when he had no more tears to cry.



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