CHAPTER 56: Purpose

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Yoongi had made the bar his new home. He desired to be in no other place but there. Maybe here, he could Drown it all in alcohol. After trying numerous times to cast a spell, any spell, even the simplerst of all....he had finally given up.

His coven had definitely abandoned him and his loneliness consumed him. Not only that, he had gaps in his mind. He forgot how to recite even the simplest of spells from memory. He couldn't even consult the spell books because the oven had taken everything from him. A banished warlock or witch wouldn't even get a proper burial if they died.

"You are going to drink yourself to death", said a voice coming from his right hand side. Yoongi made a mental note to kill Hoseok the moment he laid his eyes on him again.

"Mind your own business". He spat back without looking at the man beside him. Not yet realising that it was not Hoseok.

"I would if I didn't notice an ex-warlock the moment I walked into this place".

Yoongi's ears picked up the suspicious line. He turned his head to have a good look at the man but he had a black hat on that covered his face up to the point where only his lips were revealed.

Yoongi looked at the hand that took a drink up to his lips. There was a ring. Definitely not a war lock's or a witch's. He knew immediately he wasn't just talking to anyone. He was no longer a warlock so he couldn't read the man's energy.

"Who are you?" He asked cautiously.

"Someone you need". The man replied, still calm in his demeanour.

Yoongi scoffed and chuckled a little before taking another sip of his drink. "Why would I trust a stranger that suddenly shows up at my side claiming to be my saviour?"

"Because I can help you get your power back."

Now he had Yoongi's attention because he had stopped midway when his glass was about to touch his lips.

"Why would you do that?"

"Uh uh, first things first." He looked around the bar, still not revealing his face to Yoongi. "Follow me to the private booth."

Yoongi narrowed his gaze at the male figure but he nonetheless complied. He followed behind as the man completely dressed in black led him there.

With the music from the bar slightly drowned out, he began to speak. "An introduction is in order", he took off his hat, revealing his face. "My name is Taemin."

Yoongi nodded his head to acknowledge him. "I already know your name, Yoongi".

Yoongi looked up suspiciously at him. He needed answers and he hopped he would get them.

"Are you a warlock?"

Taemin shook his head. "Far much more than that".

"Your ring....."

"It is no ordinary ring either, neither a warlocks nor a witch's". He smirked.

"But something much greater".

Yoongi's eyes remained fixed on the ring.

"If you work with me, I can make you far much more powerful than either of those two combined."

Yoongi's eyes moved from the ring back up to Taemin's face.

"What say you?" Taemin smirked again.

Yoongi shook his head. "I know better than anyone, there is a catch to this. But let me warn you, threats don't work on me. I have no one left to protect."

"I know," Taemin said firmly. His gaze unwavering. "But there is one thing you do want..... revenge".

Yoongi's eyes opened wider. He was definitely mad at Hoseok for screwing him over but not enough to want to get revenge on him. But why did this male figure before state it so confidently?

Taemin stepped forward and lifted one hand and placed it on Yoongi's shoulder. He leaned in to whisper into Yoongi's ear. "You can't get revenge without power".

He pulled away and picked up his hat, ready leave. "I will come here everyday until you make your decision." With that, he left the private booth and there after left the bar.

Yoongi let out a breath to try and catch up with all the breathing he forgot to do. He felt his senses heighten. A new high surged through him as he thought of all the possibilities the strange male figure had teased him with. But, he was still weary of him. He needed to know more, only then would he make a decision.



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