CHAPTER 54: T'was All For Naught

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"What are you looking at?" Dami asked expressionless as she flipped a page of a book she was reading in the living room. Her legs settled in a 'four' shape. She had felt Hoseok's gaze on her for the longest time.

She could have never imagined her son had so many books. He really did take after her. She smiled at herself at the thought, it was quite complementary she had to admit.

"I may have been drunk but I know what I saw." I spoke up.

"And what did you see huh?" Dami maintained her gaze on the book. Never looking me in the eye.

"What you did...... for me". I cleared my throat.

"You were a sad little boy depressed about his mother and went out to drink. You then picked a fight with other people in the bar. Ofcourse, it's much more wiser for me to pull you away from the situation."

"There wasn't any situation. You are just making things up. I don't need your help. I will take care of my own business".

"That's not what it looked like when I walked into that bar". She kept her stoic expression.

"What's your deal huh?" I began to get irritated. "Until I raised you from the dead, I had hope that I can have at least a part of my family with me. My family that was wrongfully taken from me. But now, I don't want anything to do with you."

"You do, you want everything to do with me". She spoke with no elevation in her voice, she maintained her calm.

"You already fucking pushed me away so I don't intend on pressing this issue further. I got the message the first time so just go back to wherever you came from". I spat.

"I'm afraid I can't do that". She stood up after placing the book down by the side table.

"Why not? I'm sure there's plenty other places you can be and would rather be other than in my presence."

"You still don't get it do you?" She placed her hand on my cheek and caressed it.

Her touch.

I closed my eyes to feel it better.

The care of a mother I had very much craved for my whole life.

I couldn't believe I was falling for this. Right here, right now. After all I had been through to bring her back to life.

The people I had threatened, the alliances I had made. Only to bring back this person who dares not to claim me as her son.

I hate her but I need her too.

Was this an act she was putting up? To get on my side? I have nothing to offer her after all.

"Let me help you understand one thing, you can't just bring people back from the dead and tell them to screw off."

"I can do whatever I want".

She shook her head. "That's not how it works."

"Try me". Hoseok countered.

"Your act is futile boy. You should have at least told me the real purpose of bringing me back. You can't use magic on a whim, it's not for free. Somebody died to replace the hole you created in nature".

"So what?"

"If you are going to raise someone from the dead, at least have some good use for them. Not some stupid "I brought you back from the dead to love me" plot.

My eyes finally opened as I heard those piercing words. Her warm hand had dropped back down to her side.

I let out a short chuckle. "I'm sorry I raised such a piece of junk back from the dead". He spat venom, hoping it would hurt her as much as her words hurt him.

"Don't try too hard boy. I've been dead for a decade. Whatever emotion you are trying to get out of me is nothing but a waste of time. Come to me when you have some real use for me."

She walked away, back upstairs to one of the spare bedrooms that she had now made her own.

Hoseok stood there, frozen. Regretting having ever wanting to see his mother again. Even though she was alive now, she was clearly dead to him and he was dead to her.



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