CHAPTER 62: I'm Sorry And I Love You

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"Taehyung", my voice was small but he heard me. He didn't turn to look at me. "I know that-" I flinched when he suddenly stood up and walked towards me. "Know what, YN?" His gaze burned into mine, trapping me.  "That night...." I pause to look at him. He had his attention to what I had to say. "I know that you were with me that night, I knew for sure but the following day I had no memory of it. I only remember seeing bite marks on my neck and-"

"I did that, I bit you".


"I had to make you forget, even for a time, because I knew you would be afraid to love me too."

"Why did you come to me?"

"You called out to me". Taehyung maintained his eye contact with me. "I will admit, at first, I didn't understand why everything that you did with Jimin, you would do with me too. But maybe it's because we are Gemini Twins that we feel the same things at the same time. I almost hated Jimin for it. But I couldn't hate him because the memories he has and the memories I have are the same. As he fell for you, I fell for you too".

"Why didn't you tell me anything?"

"Would you have loved me back if I did?"

His eyes began to get glassy. He tried to turn away to hide his tears that were about to fall I stop him by placing my hand on his cheek. My own tears threatening to fall. "You are right. I was afraid, afraid to admit to myself, afraid to admit to myself that I had hurt you and hurt Jimin and hurt myself in the process." I swallowed and continued to speak. "I'm sorry I hurt you, Taehyung. I want nothing but to tell you the truth, my truth."

I never broke eye contact. I needed him to see my sincerity. I wanted to overcome this irrational fear I had to love two people at the same time. "I love you, Taehyung". I breathed. Tears welling up as the words left my quivering lips. "I should have admitted this long-"

He kissed me with a desparation that I can say we both had. It didn't matter to him that I didn't finish saying what I had to, he got the message loud and clear.

Breaking the kiss, he looked into my eyes. "I'm sorry I tried to hurt you too." I shook my head, holding tightly to his shirt with my fists. "It was all my fault and I have to pay for all the pain I caused you". Taehyung shook his head this time. "You are not going to do anything of that sort, I love you and we will work through this together".

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I did the same around his upper back, being on tip-toes with my chin resting on his shoulder. I was grateful, grateful that Taehyung was not angry at me.

My smile faded and I abruptly stepped away from Taehyung. "What's wrong?" He asked as he turned, his eyes following were I was looking. In the doorway, stood Jimin. I swallowed. My throat suddenly running dry. It's been days since I last saw him. He has black rings around his eyes and he looks deprived of sleep.

Taehyung knew exactly why I stepped away. "I will leave you two to talk." He began to walk away.


Taehyung looked back at his brother that had uttered the word.

"Stay", Jimin spoke again.

"I can't do that, this is between the two of you". Taehyung replied.

"It's between all of us, you know that Taehyung. Jimin countered. "Stay.....please".

The Gemini Twins have not spoken to each other either since Jungkook's death and I almost tear up at how apart the sound from each other. I felt an overwhelming rush of emotions than I normally would. This was different. "Please don't fight, it hurts me". I speak out, catching both their attention.

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