CHAPTER 30: See You Again

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Yoongi stood in front of only the house he knew had what he wanted. He was on the opposite side of the road

He looked up at the two-storey house and had a smirk on his face. "Someone is going to die today".

He took a step forward to cross the street when he received a call.

"What do you want?"

Hoseok looked hard at his phone before placing it back to his ear.

"You have no luxury to be rude to me, you know that".

Yoongi sighed. "I'm in the middle of something".

"If it means you found the Gemini Twins, send me location....I will come to you."

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Hold on". He sent Hoseok the location and returned to the call.

"You got it, now can I go?"

"I hope you are not planning on doing anything without my permission".

"I'm hanging up, you are annoying as fuck". Yoongi placed the phone in his pocket and crossed the street. He still stood a few metres away from the house. He looked intensely at the surroundings and tried to read the energy around the house.

"This house........" He was cut off by a loud horn sound by the sound of the road. He looked back and saw the person he currently loathes coming out of it.

Yoongi turned to face them. "What are you two doing here? Sheriff, shouldn't you be doing sheriff things?"

Seokjin looked at him squarely. " This is more important, you are the only person that can find them. I wont let this chance go".

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "So this must be where they are". Hoseok looked at the house up and down. "And to think that we have been searching for them for this long and yet they were right under our noses."

Hoseok stepped forward to the door and tried to touch it but Yoongi grabbed his armed. "What the hell do you think you are doing?"

"Don't touch anything". Yoongi spoke sternly.

Hoseok scoffed. "Its a door, Susan. Doors are harmless".

Yoongi narrowed his eyes out of irritation. He let go of Hoseok and moved back. Hoseok impatiently touched the doorknob and immediately grunted in pain.

Seokjin rushed to his side. "Hoseok what's wrong? His eyes widened at the big burn mark on his hand. What the hell is wrong with you! You let him get hurt.

Yoongi smirked. "He will keep his life if he listens to me". He turned to look at the door. "This house has a spell on it, its no ordinary house."

"Can you break it?" Seokjin asked.


"No? Why?" Hoseok had finally regained his composure.

"A blood witch did not set this spell....someone else did. Otherwise, I would have recognised the spell but I don't".

The door clicked open and the trio stepped back at the sudden sound.

Seokjin eyes widened instantly. "N....Namjoon?"

Namjoon stood there dumbfounded at the strangers at the doorstep until his eyes met with Jin and his lips slightly parted.

"What is this?" Hoseok straightened up and looked at Seokjin looking at Namjoon. "You two know each other?"

Seokjin broke eye contact immediately and focussed his gaze particularly nowhere. He felt his blood get hot.

Namjoon cleared his throat as he took his eyes off Seokjin. "Who are you people?"

Yoongi straightened up and decided to be blunt. "I'm here for the Gemini Twins".

"Excuse me?" Namjoon had to blink twice.

Hoseok hit Yoongi's arm but Yoongi didn't flinch. "Yah! What are you doing?!" He whispered behind Yoongi. It was beyond him why Yoongi would be so blunt.

"Hand them over". Yoongi continued to ignore Hoseok.

"I don't know who you people are or what you are looking for but I will call the police for trespassing". Namjoon hoped he sounded as natural as possible and that it would make the people at his door seem like insane people.

Yoongi grabbed his arm as he tried to close the door. Namjoon looked down at his hand. "What on earth do you think you are doing?"

Hoseok looked at Yoongi, wishing he could just stop being so blunt and persistent because he felt he had a better way of luring the Twins out.

Yoongi let go of Namjoon with a smirk on his face and stepped back. "We must have got the wrong address". Yoongi said.

Hoseok turned towards Yoongi in surprise. "Sorry for the inconvenience". Yoongi spoke curtly and let go of Namjoon's arm.

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