[16] House of Frauds

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Breakfast was the ever-dramatic day the next day. Nina glaring across the table at Joy (until Amber pushed her arm to stop), Fabian had a book in front of him reading, and Camilla was magicking food into Alfie's mouth with soft whispers of 'Motus', Jerome keeping the supply of food on Camilla's plate so use laughing as the two managed to get a roll into Alfie's mouth, the boy chewing down on it as he stood to give Camilla a high-five which she was more than happy to give. This stopped, however, the moment a sleepy new boy came into the room, this time wearing school uniform looking around as the table fell silent as they all looked his way. The boy took in the table with a small smile as he eyed all the girls, before walking around it and taking Mick's empty seat between Amber and Mara.

"Eh," Nina decided to break the silence getting to her feet, clearly thoughts of her own first day were flooding through her mind and she knew the moment the weird awkward hellos were over with Anubis house they pretty much welcomed you with open arms... with a few exceptions. The glare Patricia was giving the new boy proved that point true. "want some OJ?" she asked.

The boy gave her a bright smile, "finally someone that speaks English!" he exclaimed dramatically causing Patricia to scoff at him though his eyes were on Nina. Holding out his glass to her, "the best thing I've heard since I've gotten here," he flirted causing Camilla to smile as she watched Fabian's flummoxed expression as he watched on unsure of how to respond.

After coughing up his muffin Fabian spoke up, "when did you get here?" he asked the boy who was sat opposite Camilla, "I got a shock when I woke up this morning and you were asleep in Mick's bed."

"I can imagine!" Patricia laughed getting a dirty look from Joy and a confused look from everyone else who hadn't witnessed the interaction the day before.

The boy sighed and decided to elaborate for all the confused faces, "Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting Yacker here," he told them all as he glanced towards Patricia who shot him a dirty look, "speaking of which who do we have here?" he looked around the table as all the girl's bar Camilla who's shoulder's where shaking from laughter at the scene chimed in with their name.

"Hey, I'm Eddie," Eddie smoothly said to them all, "nobody told me English girls were so cute..." he flirted causing them all again bar Patricia and Camilla (who was enjoying the sour face on Fabian's face more than anything else) to respond back equally as flirty.

"This is a new dynamic I can't wait to see play out..." Camilla mumbled to her brother as she took in the angry looks that had settled on the boy's faces as the saw how smitten the girls were with the new guy. Causing Patricia to laugh and smile at the girl, happy someone other than her wasn't completely falling for his idiotic charms.

"So, Eddie, what made you change schools?" Nina asked Eddie polity.

"let's see," with that he started listing things on his fingers, causing Camilla to send him a disbelieving look, some of the things he stated seemed a little far fetched but she was rather enjoying this new blood causing chaos so she wasn't going to say anything, "gotten into some fights, and then I flunked a few classes, and then my old headteacher hated me because I said his daughter was cute," Eddie dramatically rolled his eyes, "but she totally was."

"Could you have done us all a favour and gone to another school in the states!" Patricia angrily said before storming out of the room causing Eddie to laugh.

"Patricia!" Joy hissed at her best friend.

"She sure knows how to make a guy feel welcome," Eddie spoke up.

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