[58] House of Stooges

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Was Camilla surprised when she saw Victor go down to the cellar just after their breakfast the next day - not at all.

Should he have expected her to follow him down – yes, he should have.

The protector followed her guardian step by step, making sure he didn't know she could see him, pausing at the corner that led to the new task challenge and watching him from there. He looked around the room in awe, much like he had done every other room.

"The Falcon..." he muttered causing Camilla to frown, a frown that only deepened when she watched him put a hand into his pocket and produce his old golden pocket watch. Camilla had to cover her own mouth to stop herself from gasping as she watched him put the pocket watch onto the hand the first light beam went onto, the beam of light magically bending around to the next hand in a very unnatural way.

"So, the beam comes into here..." Victor muttered away to himself pointing to the magical light whos purple sparks happily danced around him, "the Falcon somehow bends the light... to form a constellation! Most ingenious Robert!" the glee was something Camilla hadn't heard in Victor's voice many times. 

As epic as the magic was, something she was sure Victor would want to study one day, there was only one thing crossing her mind at that moment. Victor had a reflector. For the sake of team Sibuna she needed to do something about it and quick, because if Victor had it then by default so did Vera and that thought chilled her to her very bones.

Camilla knew she should have pushed off the wall and hurried away then and there but Victor was on the move around the room and she wanted to learn more and quickly.

Fabian told her she had to choose a side; so, she was choosing.

Not Sibuna but whatever it cost to protect the ones she loved, that included Victor and if he got too far ahead, she didn't want to guess what the spirit would do either to him or to the Sibuna's for allowing it.

The more knowledge she had, even if it meant getting cobwebs on her school uniform, then the better she could protect everyone. So that is why she stuck around to see what Victor was going to do next.

"clues to the reflectors..." he mumbled his face pressed against a wall in such a way that Camilla couldn't really see what he was looking at. "oh, you are clever Robert," he spoke taking a step back and pulling out the little mini notebook he kept in his pocket to start drawing what he saw, "but no match for me."

Camilla knew this was her time to leave and quietly she pushed off the wall and scarpered back up the tunnels to Anubis house.


Nina and Amber looked up as Camilla came back into their room, the girl needing to change jumpers because her's had cobwebs all over them.

"Been in the tunnels?" Nina asked softly.

Camilla nodded her head as she pulled her jumper over her head, "yeah, I wanted another look at light sphere thing, it's a pretty neat bit of magic from old Frobby. I thought my magic study should happen when we weren't on the Sibuna clock," she added to Nina who smiled understandingly, appreciating that Camilla was being honest with them, or it appeared that way. 

Amber, however, couldn't help but laugh slightly at Camilla's nickname for Robert Frobisher-Smythe, after growing up with Fabian who was a stickler for respecting his elders it only made sense Camilla was a bit more relaxed about those things. She was even willing to bet the girl only called Frobisher it just to annoy Fabian to some degree.

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